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The next morning, John got up before her, got dressed and went down the stairs. Martin met him right there.

John: Oh, hi mate. I didn't know you were here. Did the whole crew come?
Martin: Yes, they did. We didn't see the house and we were thinking of doing it. If that's okay...
John: Oh, well, do it later because France is sleeping. She will probably wake up soon. I am leaving.
Martin: Where are you going, Captain?
John: I want to surprise France, so I go to the village to buy something. *wanted to leave*
Martin: Be careful there.
John: Ugh...why?
Martin: Well, I saw your brother yesterday in the village. How small the world is...
John: My brother? Wilder?!
Martin: Yes, him. Do you have any other brother?
John: What the hell is he doing here?! Yesterday you say? France was also in the village yesterday!
Martin: But I don't think he did anything to her if you said she returned home.
John: She's sleeping, idiot! I told you... Bloody hell! *he grabbed him by the collar and aggressively pulled Martin towards him* You immediately go upstairs and guard the fucking door! When she wakes up, spend time with her! Don't lose sight of her, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!
Martin: I'm not telling her you told me that, right?
John: Right. Act normal, don't tell her I told you that. What is that fucking man doing here?! He didn't have to know that we were here... HE DIDN'T! Guard her with your life! If something bad happens to her... If any harm comes to France... I WILL KILL YOU ALL! Is that clear?
Martin: Y-Yes...
Martin: YES! Yes, Captain. Clear enough!

He ran upstairs, as John watched him carefully, then he also left, angry.
After about an hour, John returned home, and as soon as the door was heard closing, Florence appeared.

France: John, you're home.
John: Yes, I was, uh... I was a little outside to take care'll see... *held out his hand to her, waiting for her to place it on top of his* Come!

She did so, then giggled impatiently as they left the house. They went down the stairs together, then he stopped.

John: Wait here, okay? I'll be back in a second.
France: *smiled* Okay.

And he went on, surrounding the house. Florence waited there for a few minutes, being very curious about what he wanted to show her. She sat down on the steps and rested her chin on her hand, still waiting. At one point, she could hear footsteps, but not human footsteps...
Just then, John appeared on a beautiful black horse, enjoying her surprised reaction. The horse stopped in front of her and she got up to pet him. John dismounted.

France: No way you actually did that!
John: Why not? You told me you wanted him a long time ago. *smiled*
France: It's beautiful!
John: What's his name?
France: I don't know. I never thought about it...
John: Well, you have plenty of time to think of one.
France: *while petting the horse* Why did you do that?
John: I told you. You wanted it. Do you ever want the sun in the sky? I would give it to you at the risk of darkening everyone in the world... and you would be the only one who shines. Even if you already are the only one...
France: That's it!
John: What?
France: The sun... darkening the world... Eclipse!
John: I still don't get it...
France: Eclipse... Solar eclipses are more dramatic than lunar ones because they turn the whole world black. The horse is black, so it's a good name.
John: No, it's not... *silence, as she got confused* It's perfect.

She smiled at him and hugged him warmly. When she was in his arms, it was hard for him to let her go. Especially now, when the danger was closer to them.

France: Thank you.
John: *he mounted and sat on the saddle again* Wanna take a ride?
France: Only if I take the reins.
John: You know how to ride a horse?
France: No. But I suppose it can't be that hard if you know.
John: That was rude.
France: *giggled* Kidding. *he helped her up in front of him*
John: Hope you know what you're doing.
France: *smiled* I don't.

   After about two hours, they arrived home, laughing.

John: You don't know what you're doing? You're kidding? Looks like you lived your whole life on that horse.
France: *giggled* Okay, I lied... I took a riding course when I was little. But I haven't had contact with a horse for many years.
John: You got me. I really thought I was going to die there. But you are actually very good.
France: *smiled* Thank you.

In the evening, the whole crew with John and France at each head, plus Harris and Fallon sat down to dinner. We can see everyone was in a good mood.

France: Finally, I'm so hungry!
Martin: Me too!
John: You literally ate something ten minutes ago.
Martin: So what? I can't control my brain.
John: Or your mouth apparently. *everybody laughed*
France: I'm so happy to see you all. A day had passed without you, but I already missed you.
Harris: We missed you more.
Fallon: Indeed.
John: What did you do on the first day without us?
Harris: Well, we all played board games. She won because she cheated.
Fallon: Excuse me? Not true.
Harris: I literally saw you in the process.
Fallon: Yet, you didn't say a word back then. *smiled* The best thing yesterday was that after we ate lunch, we went for a few hours by boat, just me and Harris. The sun was shining so beautifully on the water.
Harris: But not like your eyes. *she giggled*
John: Wait! After lunch? What hour?
Harris: Around two o'clock. Why?

   Right then, France's face fell. She realized that was the time when she left home with the excuse that she was meeting Harris, and she understood that John now knew that she had lied to him. She didn't know whether to say something or keep quiet, and at one point, she looked up at John, who was already staring at her with a serious face. His stare was so intense that he could kill with just his eyes. She felt really bad and she couldn't even swallow the food anymore. She was sure that if she looked at him for a longer time, he would've torn her in hundreds of pieces with just his look.
   After what seemed like an eternity, he took his eyes off her and thought about what answer to give to Harris.

John: I just thought it would have been nicer at sunset.
Harris: You're right with that. Next time. *he smiled at Fallon*

After that, their eyes met again. She could no longer resist doing that, to look him in the she gave up.

France: I...I think I'm done. I guess I wasn't that hungry. *she got up*
Harris: Oh, you're sure? You barely touched the food.
France: I actually have a little headache. I think I better go lie down and get some sleep.
Fallon: *put her hand on hers and whispered* Honey, you're okay?
France: Yes, I'm fine. Really. Excuse me.

   Just then, she left the room. John remained motionless, knowing that France was overwhelmed with guilt and was probably ashamed to look him in the eye again after catching her in a lie. Especially since he didn't say anything to the others about it. He preferred not to make a scene, but to talk alone. And that's exactly what he was going to do.

John: I'm done too. Excuse me.
Harris: What? John?

   He got up and left without saying anything else. Which, of course, left everyone very confused.

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