An Unexpected Person

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-After a few months, on the deck of the ship. He was standing on the edge of the ship, looking out to the sea with a cigar held between his fingers, as she approached from behind.

France: Where are we going now, Captain?
John: Now we stop on an island with a village on it. We need to get some more food. Do you want something?
France: Oh, no. I'm fine. So... are you going to lock me in my room again?
John: Nope. That won't be necessary. We are changing the plan this time. They will go shopping as we'll go for a walk.
France: A walk? You trust me that I won't run away?
John: No. I trust in the deal we made. If you break it, I'll break my part too. And I don't think you want that...
France: *her face darkened* No...I don't...
John: *he smiled, satisfied with the answer he already knew she would give* As I said, our walk will be to a ball—
France: A ball?
John: There are dangerous people there, so first we will make a stop in a forest to teach you some stuff you must know...
France: What kind of stuff?
John: Fighting.
France: Huh, so it's not enough for you to be the Captain, now you want to be my teacher?

He felt uncomfortable by her words, taking a few seconds to think about what to say to her back, as she looked at him and noticed it. She smiled while he changed the subject.

John: Put on an elegant evening dress. All the guests are wealthy. And don't act like a child. Be less excited than you're now...
France: And how should I breathe, Captain?
John: *gave her an annoyed look* Rather than talking nonsense in there, it's better not to breathe at all.
France: *she pretended to be affected by his answer* As much as I would like to honor your order, Captain, I made a deal and unfortunately I am no longer allowed to die by my own hand. If you really want what you said, you'll have to kill me yourself.

   He turned to face her, she looking up at him as he looked down at her. Once with the eye contact, a tension appeared between the two. A strong one. He put his cigar in his mouth and took a drag, then slowly blew the smoke directly in her face. She didn't step back, but stood there looking at him. Their eyes seemed to scream desperately for something neither of them had the strength to say, even though they both wanted to look fearless.
John: Smart choice of words...Do you really want that?
France: *her words came out in whispers* I crave for it.

   He raised his hand, bringing his fingers to her face and caressing her cheek. Then, he smiled at her and brought his head closer to hers than before.

John: Then you won't get it.
France: *narrowed her eyes* Why, Captain? Don't have the necessary power?
John: Oh, I do have it. And when I want you dead, you will be. But I warn you, hell is no fun.
France: Have you been there?
John: Aye.
France: And what makes you think I won't be in heaven?
John: Only innocent people get there. And no one is innocent.
France: So you don't believe in heaven?
John: I believe that heaven trully exists only when I look into your eyes.
France: Beg your pardon?
John: I need you! I can no longer pretend that I don't.
France:'re drunk...
John: Please, accept me as I am! With all the sins running through my veins. With my black heart and murderous thoughts... Please!
France: You are drunk. I can see it.
John: How?
France: Only when you're drunk I get along well with you. Have you ever noticed?
John: I know you want that too.
France: Wh-What? No, I don't. And in fact, It doesn't matter what I say. You won't remember anything tomorrow.
John: I will remember you.
France: Okay, that's enough! You've never been like that, what happend to you? Why did you drink more than you usually do?
John: I was thinking...
France: About?
John: My past... My ex-wife...
France: Your what?!!?
John: I'll go to sleep. We'll arrive tomorrow.
France: W-Wait! Wait! What ex-wife?
John: One that I or you will never see again. She died.
France: Oh, I'm so sorry...
John: You don't have to be. You are the person who filled the void in me after losing her. The person I didn't think existed...
France: John... I can't be that person.
John: Why?
France: I...I'm know that.
John: You will never see that fool who bought your water again.
France: Because of you! I cannot fall in love with the one who holds me captive! *silence* Love means freedom... and I...*she sighed* I don't feel free here...
John: *his face changed, following a deep and long silence* Good night... miss France.

He left, she staying there, fighting the urge not to break into tears.

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