Falling in Love

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   They arrived at the ship, she wearing his suit on her shoulders.

John: Are you going to sleep?
France: No... At least not now... There's a few hours until morning and I'm not that sleepy.
John: Fine... I'm going to a tavern, I'm not staying long.
France: Uh, can we talk about what happend earlier? Who did you kill?
John: That idiot's brother started arguing with me out of the blue that a few years ago his wife cheated on him with me, and I told him it wasn't my fault, but that she wanted it. So I threatened him and then I killed him. It's not a big deal...
France: It's not a big deal?! YOU KILLED HIM BECAUSE OF THIS?!
John: Says the person who injured someone's leg...
France: Hey, don't compare my situation to yours. I was about to die! And you didn't do anything!
John: What did you want me to do?! If I came closer he would've killed you on the spot!
France: It wouldn't have been a bad thing...
John: Stop talking like that!
France: WHY? You were right, I don't have anyone. I'm alone. And you are nothing to me. Go where you said you were going, just go! I see that I'll never get along with you.

   After looking angry at her, he turned and left, she going to the end of the ship, sitting on the bench there.
   After an hour, she was still there, when footsteps were heard. She turned her head and there were two shadows, one familiar and one not. When she got a better look, it was John, with a black haired girl behind him, holding his hand. He let her go down to his room first, then he turned his head for a few seconds, making eye contact with France. Then he went down too, and after that France turned her head back, looking at the floor with tears in her eyes.
   After some time, she had started crying, when footsteps were heard again. When she turned her head she got startled, but it was only Harris.

Harris: Hey, it's me...it's me. It's okay.
France: Sorry... I was thinking about something and I didn't expect anyone to come. I thought you were sleeping...
Harris: I was until I heard noise coming from John's room... *he put a chair in front of her and sat down* Hey, what's wrong? What did he do this time?
France: *she held back from crying again, speaking through hiccups* I don't know what's wrong... That's the problem.
Harris: What do you mean?
France: When I saw him with that woman, I realized that...I don't wanna see him with someone else. I can't. And no matter how much I try to deny it, I think I'm falling in love with him. And that's crazy, right? I am crazy. We never understand each other...but something still attracts me to him.
Harris: You're not crazy. You don't choose who to fall in love with...but the heart does. You know that he is complicated... and a relationship with him is almost impossible. First and last was with his ex-wife... then he stopped loving.
France: Oh Harris... I don't know what to do...
Harris: Try to understand each other better. If he doesn't do anything, he doesn't deserve you.
France: *smiled* Thank you. You really know how to give advice. And from the words used... I have the impression that you have also gone through this.
Harris: You're right. I have... Would you like to hear my story?
France: I'd love to. *smiled*
Harris: Her name is Fallon. I loved her more than anything in the world...and I still do. She has blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. And she always smelled like roses... *smiled* We had a silly argument and then I left like a coward with John. Since then, I haven't seen her again. And I miss her so much. Every night I look at the same star, hoping that she is looking too. I bought her a star in her name, you know... I still remember the happiness on her face when I told her. She had the most beautiful and warm smile of all women in the world.
France: Awwe, that's wonderful!
Harris: Thank you. So, just so you know... you're not alone in this. And if you ever feel the need to talk, I'm here.
France: Thank you Harris! You're an amazing friend. But... promise me you won't tell him anything.
Harris: Oh, I promise. I wouldn't have told him even with a knife at my throat. I know I'm his right hand, but that doesn't mean I always agree with his judgment.
France: Then why did you stay with him?
Harris: We knew each other for a long time, and without me this ship would have gone down by now. A secret that no one knows except me and John is that this ship is not his... it's mine.
France: Seriously?
Harris: Yeah. I built it... You know what? I will pray for you that it will turn out well in the end.
France: Thank you...Thank you so much!
*They got up and hugged*
Harris: Go to sleep. Tomorrow will be better.
France: Fine. I hope I can sleep through the noises that woke you up...
Harris: *giggled* Good night France!
France: Good night Harris!

She went down, and on the way to her room she stopped at his door, pressing her ear to it, again having tears in her eyes, then she left.

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