The Red Eye Cave

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-After a few months-He was at the helm of the ship as she approached delighted and full of life.

France: Where are we going, Captain?
John: Your excitement disturbs me. Well, we go in search of a treasure.
France: Treasure? have a lot of money already.
John: Look, it's not about the money. But about the adventure.
France: *smiled* Alright. I'm ready.
John: Wait, who said you're coming with me?
France: No one needs to say it. I come because I want to. And because you can't force me to do otherwise.
John: Oh, I can't?
France: Nope. Wait, I'll be right back.

   After a few minutes, she returned to the deck. This time he also had a cigar in his hand. When he saw her, he realized she was dressed in his clothes. She made a twist in front of him and smiled.

France: So... what do you think?
John: Those are... Those are my clothes?
France: Aye. What do you think, Captain?
John: Why are you wearing my clothes? You don't have yours?
France: I can't go on an adventure wearing a dress, can I? It's not my fault you only bought me fancy clothes.
John: Well—
France: I wanted to try something new. Plus, I thought that if I have nothing against you wearing my dresses, you won't have anything against me wearing your clothes either.
John: That's fascinating...

   Then, she walked away, Harris coming up to her and talking to her. At that moment, the Captain stared at her dressed like that...cause she looked good. Something he wanted to deny, but he just couldn't. She had her back turned so she couldn't see his stare. He didn't seem to have any problem with her taking his clothes anymore. She had an oversized white shirt, a belt around her waist, a pirate hat...and some fitted leather pants. Without realizing it, a shiver slipped down his shoulders...and even a little smile, barely noticeable, appeared on his face. Suddenly, she turned and approached him.

France: How much do we have until we arrive?
John: *he stopped staring and his mind returned to the real world* Excuse me, what?
France: When we arrive, I asked.
John: Oh, in an hour perhaps.
France: And... where exactly is this treasure?
John: In the Cave of the Red Eye. It is said that a pirate hid his riches there a long time ago...but even he couldn't get to it anymore. We will.
France: We?
John: Aye. You'll gonna help me.
France: *smiled* I'm glad you changed your mind.
John: Did I have any choice?
France: Of course not. *smiled again*

   After a while, the two and half of the crew entered the cave. It was dark there and full of cobwebs. The captain had a map in his hand, as she was carrying a torch.

France: How come no one has ever found this treasure but you have a map with where it is? I mean, someone must have written the map...
John: I wrote it.
France: Oh, really?
John: Mhm. I've been here before. A few times... The captain who hid the treasure says that one life is given for another life. Something that only I realized is that for him, treasures were his life. And when he buried treasures, he always put personal things as well. I used to be his fan, you know. But when I saw him for the first and last time, he was dead drunk at a tavern and eating leftovers from the table. Quite disappointing if you ask me... Anyway, it is said that he put the treasure on a scale to rest, and when he wanted to take it back, the cave started to move and collapse, so he could no longer leave there with the box.
France: And...who is this captain? What's his name?
John: He's—

   Then, a noise was heard coming from deep within the cave. She quickly took a knife from John and held it up.

John: Uhm... what do you think you're doing?
France: I'm protecting my captain, isn't that obvious?
John: Be careful with that. It is quite sharp.
France: Do you think I haven't touched a knife before?
John: I don't know. You told me that you had money before, so I think that perhaps you had people doing things for you.
France: I don't need people to do anything for me. I have hands too, you know.
John: Great, if you have then bring the torch closer so I can see what the bloody hell I'm doing here! Thank you.
France: How long until we find it? I'm bored.
John: Oh, you'll get used to it someday.
France: What do you have there?
John: *looked at his bag* Uh, well... As the captain said, a life for a life. The chest is placed on a kind of scale, which has only one side. From what I understand, if you put a human heart there after taking the chest, it should stay the same...even if they don't weigh the same.
France: WHAT?! You have a human heart?!
John: Have you heard of killing before, my dear?

   And so they continued, she remaining shocked and speechless, swallowing, too startled to answer him back. After a few steps, John stopped, extending his hand to stop France as well.

John: Wait! Head down!

   They all bent down as some flames came out of the walls, him putting his hand on her head to make sure that she let herself down and that the flames did not touch her. After that, they continued walking.

John: *she looked at him* What? Nothing and no one will hurt you! *silence* I'm the only one allowed... *continued walking* There I burned one of my favorite hats. But we don't make the same mistake twice, do we?

   They walked a few more steps and at some point, he stopped.

John: On the sidelines! Everyone, NOW!

   Everyone stood on the edge as the floor in the middle suddenly disappeared, revealing lava below, then the floor came back and they continued.

John: There I lost one of my shoes. It fell into the lava...It wasn't a good experience to walk with only one. Never do that.
France: When do we get to the chest? *he stopped, then everyone stopped* Uh, what is it now?
John: I think I smell something... I think it's the annoyance. And it comes from you.
France: Well, I'm sorry you can't stand me. I don't understand why you bothered to take me with you.
John: Did I have a choice? You kept saying you wanted to come.
France: Yes, but it's not like you haven't locked me in my room before.
Martin: Hey, guys! I heard something!
John: Aye. It's her mouth that never shuts up.
France: Oh, really? You're amazing. If I tell you that—
Martin: Hey! Hey! Stop! Someone is coming!
John: Of course someone is coming. Now comes the part when the dead soldiers come out of the wall. That's why I brought you too. You will fight with them while I take the chest... and someone will come with me.
Martin: Wait, if they're dead, that means they can't die. So we can't beat them.
John: Yeah. You got that right. Who's coming with me?
France: I!
John: If I think better, I don't need anyone.

   Then, a lot of dead soldiers came out of the wall and they started fighting with swords. John walked on, then after a while when he heard a noise he turned his head. Directly behind him was a dead soldier with his sword raised towards him, but before he could pierce it, someone cut off the dead man's head with a knife. When he fell to the ground it was France.

John: What are you doing here?!
France: Protecting my Captain... I trust I told you before.
John: I told you not to come! Why do you have to be so stubborn?!
France: And yet, my stubbornness saved your life. No, you don't need to thank me, but yes, you owe me.
John: Thank you... It's dangerous here, you shouldn't have come with me.
France: So it's better to fight some dead people that can't die, right? At least now I have you.
John: So?
France: So I know you won't let anyone hurt me. You are the only one allowed. *silence* Your words, not mine...
John: Fine, let's go before this man finds his head.

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