Knock on the Death's Door

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-After a week-John knocked on France's door, and when no one answered, he opened it. However, she was not there. He went up the stairs, and when he reached the deck he saw her on the side of the ship, wanting to throw herself into the ocean. He panicked and started to approach slowly.

John: Hey! Hey! Florence! Don't!
France: Why?! I wanted to do this for a long time. Now my chance came.
John: What?! What are you talking about?!
France: Don't approach anymore!
John: Florence, please!
France: What do you care anyway?! Let me die!
John: Florence...
France: NO! You don't know what I went through! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!
John: You're right... I don't. And I don't know what problems you had before, but I know that you're a brave and strong woman. Do you give up so easily?
France: Please, stop...
John: Get down! It's an order from the captain!
France: Fine... I will... *after a bit, she threw herself into the water*
John: NO! Shit...SHIT! I couldn't help myself, could I?! *silence* AH, FUCK OFF!

He threw his leather coat on the ground and ran towards the edge, throwing himself too, after her. He swam down, catching her and taking her in his arms. He struggled to reach the stairs, then stopped to catch a breath. Then, some of his crew looked down, seeing them.

Harris: CAPTAIN! Let's help them!

And some of them lifted the ladder, lifting the captain and France at the same time. Arriving on the deck, he gently put her on the ground, she being unconscious.

John: Florence! Hey! Can you hear me? France, please! Don't do this!
Harris: What happend?!
John: She threw herself. Don't say a word about it. None of you!
John: France?

Even some tears were seen running from the captain's eyes, and he seemed desperate at that moment. After some time, she started to move, so he quickly got up from there and turned his back, wiping away his tears.

Harris: France! You're alive!
France: W-Why? Why am I alive? Wh-What happend?
Harris: John took you out. He threw himself to save you.
France: *looked at him, narrowing her eyes* How heroic...
John: Okay, everyone, mind your own business now! She's fine.
France: *everyone left as she got up angry* Why did you do that?
John: Beg your pardon? You should thank me! The question is why did you do that?!
France: Thank you? Thank you because I wanted to die and you didn't let me?!
John: Yes! Exactly for that! I saved you!
France: I didn't want to be saved! I hate you!
John: Look, go and rest a little. We'll talk later about how much you hate me.

She, angry, left, going down to her room. Just then, John beckoned a man to come to him, then whispered to him...

John: Martin! Stay in front of her door's room. Rest assure that she won't do anything! You know what I mean... do you?
Martin: Wait... why?
John: Where have you been until now?
Martin: I was looking at you while you were know...when you thought she died.
John: I wasn't crying! It was the water from the ocean... What the hell am I doing? I don't have to give you explanations, just go!
Martin: Okay Captain.
John: Wait! Don't say a word about what I did then, okay?
Martin: Oh, don't worry Captain. No one knows about it... well...except of everyone...
John: Uh, just shut up and go.
Martin: Alright.

After a few hours, the Captain was sitting in his office with his legs stretched out on the table, drinking rum and thinking when there was a knock on the door.

John: Who the hell is it?!
France: It's me.
John: Oh, enter. *she entered* Sorry. I thought you were...well...anyone else.
France: Huh, so you took the rum with you from the tavern.
John: Yeah, there's not really much left tho. I hate when this happens.
France: May I?
John: Sure.
*she sat down in the chair in front of him, he putting his feet down*
France: I forgot to thank you for the man you put at my door. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?
John: I really don't give a damn if you would or not. Did you come here to complain about that man or do you want something else from me?
France: I came to bargain with you.
John: Hm, interesting. What's in it for me?
France: That's the only thing your interested in?
John: Why, yeah. Tell me darling.
France: Well... I will never try to kill myself again.
John: That's it?
France: And I will not run away...I will accept the fact that I will stay here as long as you want. 
John: Like forever?
France: *silence* I will accept that too.
John: *confused* This conversation becomes even more interesting. *smiled* Now, tell me love, what do you want from me?
France: I saw that you have money. A lot of money.
John: Well, yeah, I am wealthy. And?
France: And I want you to send money to my parents. Weekly.
John: How much?
France: It doesn't matter, be able to eat every day.
John: Oh, I'm sorry... *silence* Okay. *he extends his hand, then she does the same and they shake their hands* The deal is struck.
France: Struck. *smiled* Thank you so much. It means a lot to me.
John: No matter. Both of them will have enough money to eat every day, as you said. You just have to give me the address.
France: Oh, there are actually two addresses. They no longer live together.
John: *his face darkened even more* Alright. *he handed her a paper, then she took the quill and wrote on it and then handed it back* Look, can we talk about what happend today?
France: Nothing happened today.
John: Florence... It is confusing that you were able to do such a thing.
France: No, I told you. Nothing happened.
John: *silence* Fine... Nothing happened. You want some?
France: Sure. *drank from the bottle* You know, you're quite generous. I don't usually share my rum with anyone.
John: Me neither.

Then, a deep silence appeared in the room with them. They had eye contact that lasted for many seconds, she trying to hide her confusion and him regretting saying that. She handed him the bottle back.

France: Thank you...for everything...
John: No matter, child. I'm a man of my word.

A Wrecked Ship Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora