Not as Bad as I Thought

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-After about a month- It was night. France was laughing and having fun with the crew in the lower room. It can be seen that she got along very well with everyone, which made her happy too. At one point, the door opened and there was the Captain, stopping to look at them. (seeing that France was there too)

Martin: Shh! The Captain!
Frank: We're sorry Captain! We won't be that loud anymore.
John: *silence* It's okay. Don't bother... *sat down at a table in the corner, alone*

Everyone started whispering, confused. Then, France approached Harris.

France: Why is everyone so confused?
Harris: The Captain never comes down here. Only if he remains without rum. But he never sat down at a table here.

Then, John raised a hand and immediately a bottle of rum was brought to the table and a glass. She, seeing him alone, approached and sat down in front of him.

France: Hello Captain. What brings you here?
John: The need for rum. It emptied again... It always gets empty...
France: *she got up from the table, took an empty glass and sat back down* Wanna play a game?
John: *that lifted his mood* know I like games...
France: What If we drink one glass at a time... the loser gets drunk first.
John: Do you really wanna play this game with a pirate?
France: I'd love to. I'm quite good, you know. Not that I would like to brag, but I am.
John: *he smirked* Then let's begin.

After a while, about a quarter of an hour, he was still sober, but we can't say the same about her.

John: Okay, let's get this over with. You're drunk, I won.
France: *laughed* What? Not true. I'm okay, really. I am wide awake. Did you know that baby sharks eat each other while they are in their mother's womb...and only the strongest end up being born? That's quite sad. But you didn't know that, right? Gosh, I'm so smart.
John: Yeah...we're done with this game.
France: No no no! W-Wait wait! I still wanna play it!
John: It's pointless, I've already won.
France: No, you didn't! I won!
John: Do you see me drunk?
France: Did you know that alcohol is a depressant? It slows down the activity in the brain...
John: Yes, I knew that.
France: Then why are you drinking so often?
John: To slow down the activity in my brain. France, why did you want to play this game in the first place? I suppose you knew that you couldn't beat a pirate. I mean... me.
France: Yeah, I knew that. You know, I lied to you.
John: About what?
France: I knew I was bad at this. I used to do these competitions with my father. And he always won. Now I have the feeling that he just wanted to hear information from me. But he was a good father anyway.
John: *silence* What kind of father do you have?
France: *giggled* He is different from the others. Come to think of it, he has a personality almost like yours. I mean, the way he talks... the way he choose his words... and...*giggled* the obsession with rum...
John: Interesting...
France: Anyway, I don't live with him anymore. I mean, I didn't use to live anymore... you got it. I hated my life at home. When I no longer lived with my parents, you know.
John: I'm sorry...
France: Oh, it's okay. Life now is much less horrible than before. In fact, life here is not horrible at all. It's funny...and challenging.
John: Do you really think so? *he smiled, then a silence appeared* Okay, well, game's over. Go to sleep.
France: But I don't wanna go. I wanna stay here, with the others. It's more fun than sleeping.
John: Yeah, I know. Come on.
*he got up, then she got up too*
France: Can I take this? *she took the bottle in her hand, drinking from it*
John: Nope. This will come with me.
France: But that's not fair! Why can you have it and not me?
John: Cause I'm sober and you're not. How much did you drink?
France: Oh, not much. Two-Three glasses.
John: Three? Try thirteen. And I saw that means a lot to you.
France: It's still not fair.
John: Fine. We let this here. Nobody takes it. Okay?
France: *silence* Okay.
John: Come on, let's go.

He took her hand and they both went to her room. She sat on the edge of the bed, then tried to untie her shoes.

France: Uh, I hate these. I don't know how I wanted to go all the way to Scotland with them. Why do women have to struggle so much in their own clothes?!
John: Let me help.

He bent down in front of her, then untied each of her shoes. Then, he looked up at her as she looked down at him. They stayed like that for a moment, then he suddenly got up.

John: That's not okay.
France: You're not taking advantage of the situation... What's wrong, Captain?
John: What's wrong? It's wrong that I was irresponsible enough to let you get drunk. And now,''re more inciting... *sighed* I don't do this. I can't. I will never do it.
France: Deep words coming from you. I'm surprised despite what they say about you. *lay down in bed* You know, you're not as bad as I thought.
John: Am I not? *he covered her better with the blanket* Perhaps, but more than half of those rumors you've heard are true... We'll talk tomorrow. Good night!
France: Good night!

He blew out the candles from the candlestick, making the room completely dark. After that, he left the room then she fell asleep.

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