An Order From the Captain

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   One day, both of them were walking through a village. On the edges, there were some mini shops among the buildings. An old man was out of his shop with a tray of cookies just as they passed.

The man: Perhaps two free cookie samples just taken out of the oven for the young lady and her man?

   They looked at each other and as he saw her smiling he realized that she wanted to try. They both approached, still holding each other's hand and she took one.

The man: *looked at him* Please!
John: Oh, no, thank you. I will try from her. I don't want to leave you without.
France: *handed him the cookie* Gosh, this is delicious. We should buy some.
John: Then I suppose I will leave you without some...
The man: Good choice. And don't worry. It's not a tragedy. *he smiled as John smiled aswell* I'll be right back.
France: This man really knows how to bake.
John: I'm sure it's not that hard.
France: Oh, really? Because I've never seen you make anything other than tea.
John: Yes, but if I ever try something else, it would be a masterpiece for sure.
France: Don't make me bet.
John: If you bet, you lose. You better not do it.
France: Huh, really?

   The man returned with a bag of cookies and they stopped talking. John smiled at him and handed him some coins, then they both thanked him as they went on their way.

France: I bet you can't.
John: Okay. But be aware that you have already lost.
France: Yeah, I'm sure of it. I need to know first if you were a chef a few decades ago or in a past life.
John: I wasn't.
France: Then I bet.
John: What do you want if you win?
France: Hm... You. And me. Dancing under the moonlight. It is not with money, but it's pretty expensive for me.
John: You can afford this anytime, why waste your chance on it?
France: It's different when you earn it. What do you want? I mean, it's not like it matters that much...
John: You didn't say that.
France: I did. And I don't take back my words.
John: What you said increases my desire. I know I'll win.
France: And what is it that you want?
John: You are a very stubborn woman. I want you to obey me for two days.
France: Two?
John: It was only one day the first time, but as I said before, you increased my desire.
France: Why don't you do it for a week?
John: One week to be. I see you don't mind that.
France: Why should I mind if I win anyway.
John: Uh-huh...
France: *she took out a cookie and ate it* I am not stubborn.
John: Yes, you are.
France: No, I'm not.
John: Am I the only one who ever told you that?
John: I thought so...

   He smiled as he also took out a cookie from her bag and ate it. Just then, among all the people, some familiar faces passed by. It was the old crew again.

France: John! It's our chance, let's invite them back on the ship!
John: France...
France: Don't tell me you don't miss them. I do.
John: *gasped* How come that now I obey you?
France: *giggled* Come!

   She pulled him by the hand towards them. They all made eye contact with each other with an awkward silence.

France: Hi!
Martin: I see that you found her. We weren't capable enough...
John: Look guys... I'm sorry. She really misses you. *she turned her angry look at him* And, actually... I miss you more. We went through so much together... and even if I had other crews... you were the best of all. And not only that, but you were the only ones who were more than just a crew.... You were my family. You still are my family... I'm sorry for everything I said and I wish... I wish we could try one more time. I want you back on my ship.

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