His Prisoner

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   Florence and Dylan, her fiance, were going by carriage to Scotland. They took a break, entering a tavern. They both sat down at a table.

Dylan: So, what do you want? I'm gonna take a beer for me.
France: Uh, some rum, please. Thank you.
Waitress: *approached* Good evening!
Dylan: Good evening! I would like a beer for myself and a glass of water for the young lady.
Waitress: Alright, I'll return in no time. *left*
France: *whispered* I didn't say water.
Dylan: I know what you said. And unfortunately for you, you won't get it.
France: That's not fair, I am sixteen!
Dylan: And I am bored of this discussion.
France: But—
Dylan: But nothing! We're done! *silence*
Waitress: Here. *gave them the drinks from the tray, smiled and left*
Dylan: Thank you. *took a sip* Wait here, i'll be right back.
France: Yeah, sure... Until then I'll enjoy my water.

   Right after that, a man who looked like a pirate got up from a table and sat in front of her, in Dylan's place.

John: Hello Miss.
France: Who are you?
John: I'm John. Captain John Warren. I'm sure you've heard of me...
France: Sorry, but I haven't. What do you want from me?
John: How come a woman like you only gets a plain water? Seriously now. What kind of fool took it for you? *drank all of Dylan's beer*
France: My fiance.
John: *slammed the glass on the table* Oh, you should break up with him. *raised a hand as the waitress came*
Waitress: Yes, Captain?
John: *whispered to France* Sorry love, what do you want?
France: *whispered back* Ah, rum.
John: Oh, the best choice, I like your taste, really. A bottle of rum, darling.
Waitress: Everything for my favorite captain. Hey, perhaps we'll meet again... If you need me, I'm free for you anytime. *smirked*
John: Sure love. *she left* That woman annoys the shit out of me... She should hold her breath waiting...
France: A bottle? Is it possible to buy a bottle from here?
John: Why, yes. But only if you're me. You see, many people know me. That's why I'm quite surprised that you don't.
France: What do you really want?
John: What makes you think that if I came all the way here I want something?
France: Well, otherwise why did you honor me with a drink and introduce yourself?
John: Because I saw you alone at the table and I felt sorry for you.
France: My fiance is coming soon, so you should go... Thanks for the drink.
John: Okay, fine, I want something.
France: Then say it.
John: What if you come with me to show you my ship? You will like it, I promise.
France: Oh, I can't, really. The carriage is waiting for me outside, I'm going to Scotland.
John: Huh, Scotland you say?
France: Yeah. I heard it's beautiful there.
John: It is... But you know, the country is not going anywhere. You have time to spend another night here...on my ship.

   She became scared, realizing what he actually wanted from the beginning. While she looked at him with fear, the waitress came with the bottle, placing it on the middle of the table, winked at him then left. He slowly pushed the bottle towards her, smirking.

John: So...what do you say?
France: I say you're crazy...or drunk.
John: Oh, no dear. I am wide awake and I know what I want. And that's... well... you.
France: *started breathing hard* I... I have to go.

   She got up, and in order not to let her out of his sight, he also got up quickly, grabbing her by the arm.

John: No, you don't have to. You know, it's a strange situation I'm in. No woman has refused me so far.
France: Then I'm special, I'm the first one.
*she wanted to leave, but he pulled her back by the arm*
John: You are. But let's make this easier for both of us, without the need for other... methods. What do you think? *with the other hand he removed the cap from the bottle of rum and drank from it, then put it back on the table*
France: I think that you're a mad person. Someone who has nothing better to do with his life. PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME!!! *everyone looked at them, then turned their heads* Why is no one helping me?
John: Everyone knows me, dear. And because of this, no one has the courage to help you.
France: Let me go!
John: Fine, fine, sorry. I don't know what came over me... You're right.

   He took the drink from the table and nodded to his crew. She thanked him with relief and when she turned her back, wanting to go, all his crew were there, one of them covered her mouth with his hand and kidnapped her.
   After some time, everyone was on the ship, and she was finally allowed to speak.

France: LET ME GO!
John: This is my ship... I told you you'll like it.
France: You're a fucking idiot. YOU'RE A MONSTER!
John: No, you're quite wrong here. I'm a man  with a fine taste...you're welcome.
France: A man?! I can't even call you a man. What you're doing is inhumane! You are the most horrible person I have ever met. And I hope this ship will end up wrecked at the bottom of the ocean while you rot there with it, SON OF A BITCH!
John: Careful. You're losing my interest, and you don't want that, is very dangerous.
France: I'm not afraid of you.
John: Huh, really? Cause back at the tavern you were all trembling of fear. But, it's okay. I won't do anything. You have my word.
France: I don't want your word, I don't want anything but to let me go!
John: I can't. You're my prisoner now. *laughed* Take her in the room!

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