25. New Resolutions

Start from the beginning

"I'll go see the maids now. And tell them " Maria says before walking out of my office.

"I've got a proposition for you Dante." Alonzo speaks.

"Yes what would that be?" I ask.

Lydia starts to cough. I go get her a glass of water from the mini fridge in the back of my office and give it to her. She thanks me and than stops coughing. Maria comes back into the office.

"Right okay the proposition is-" Alonzo speaks before getting interrupted by maria "all sorted with the maids. Sorry carry on"

"Okay, I'm proposing to you that once Bella and Matteo get to a certain age like 22 or when their ready, they get married." He says.

"I don't know. I think it should be their choice, I know Matteo is very fond of Bella. But their only kids now, that might change in 10 years or so" I say.

"Well, I know Bella is very fond of Matteo. She always speaks about him.  I think they will be childhood sweethearts and I think it will be fine. Also, combining them together will make your mafia and our gang stronger" he says.

"Yes, well before that. I will have to make a decision with Maria and possible speak with Matteo about it before giving my final answer. " I say.

"Yes thats fine. I didn't expect an instant answer anyway" he says.

"Right now the other thing I wanted to discuss was" I say carrying on with the meeting.

Matteo POV

We are playing all kind of games. Me and Bella have been getting closer each game. I really like her, maybe even love her. Every time I'm with her i feel a weird feeling in my stomach.

The way Dad describes his love for mum, I know I feel the same way about Bella. I know my day gets better when I see her and when she smiles I know nothing can make my day bad.

I'm currently having a piggy back race with Bella on my back and Brook on Emilio's back. I could swear they like each other, I'll have to talk to him later. And be the great brother I am, and give him advice.

Bella is holding onto me like her life depends on it. I know she can fight and gets trained like me. That's why I know we would be perfect for each other.

We finish the race and we win. She jumps off my back and hugs me tightly. God I didn't expect that. She hugs ever better than I could have ever imagined.

"Get a room" Nicolo says before getting a death stare from me and Bella.


Some time has skipped since mine and Bella's hug. We've had dinner, and me and Bella are standing next to each other on my room's balcony.

I think this is the right time to tell her that I like her. Even if she doesn't feel the same way, it doesn't matter. At least I've said the truth.

"Bella?" I say.

"Yes" she says facing me.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you too" she says while grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug.

I hugged her back after the realization that my dream has finally come true. The only dream that I want to come true now is that we both get married to each other and have kids and live happily ever after as me - the don of the Italian mafia and her the leader of the gang - the lizards.

"Bella! Matteo! " I hear my dad shout.

We both pull away from the hug and I answer " yes Dad."

"Both of you come to my office. We need to speak to you" he says and we both walk to his office.

I enter the office and see my Dad, mum and Bella's parent sitting down. And telling us to sit down as well. We take the seats next to each other opposite them.

"We have made a decision. For the future of our mafia and Alonzo's gang. Once you two turn to an appropriate age, you will get married. " he says.

My eyes widen. Dreams accomplished.

"What? " Bella says shocked.

"Your getting married when your older. The deal has been signed Bella. No obligations" Bella's father says.

"No I wasn't going to object. I'm happy about it. I love Matteo and he loves me, and if that means spending the rest of my life with him than its a yes" Bella says.

"Love? You two?" Alonzo says

"Ye" I say.

"Oh my goodness. This is so cute" my mum squeels from behind dad.


Authors Note.

Hey lovelies.

An arranged marriage is planned, but it will happen in 10 years or so. Will it happen?

I think I might skip 10 years and then do a Matteo POV and see most of the Albero's life. And how it turned out to be.

Keep reading.


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