Chapter 18.

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I tried my best tio decide what to do next, what am i supposted to do with my life now.

Everything happened because of Gun, that son of a bitch, lord i hate what i said but.. i just couldn't wait any longer.. i mean he also went to far, he knows how overprotective i am about my mother and all the shit that happened, he just... oh lord.

But when i come home Sound will be waiting for me, like, what am i actually supposted to do..

I have an idea!

While walking home i thought about me, and Gun and how i totally changed because of him, he changed me so much, i dont know how he did that but somehow he did.

I started thinking that maybe i am the problem, maybe i shouldn't have changed for someone i mean i couldn't control my emtions and how other person acts around me but maybe, maybe i was a fool for him..

I was overthinking about it but i guess i had no other choice but to.. work on myself..

I was finally home, ofcourse Sound and his family waited for me, they were in livingroom, i sat next to my mom, then she asked me what happened with Gun, i said it doesn't matter, she continued talking to guests.

Sound was looking at me while biting his lip, but i won't shut up anymore.

I stood and pointed at Sound with my index finger and in front of his parents punched him in face.

They ofcourse tried to defend their son and mine were pullimg me off him.

"Tinn whats the matter are you out of your mind?" - my mom said while holding my hand

"This asshole fucking tried to rape me , i don't understand why no one believes me, but he did, im traumatized because of him. Yes, your son, he's a rapist, he tried to rape me, who knows if he tried to rape someone else or if he alredy rape someone. And i wont let you leave me alone with him, i don't want to be near him ever again, he deserves to go to hell."

At this point i made them all speechless, they all were shocked by the things i said, his parents were looking at him with disgusted face.

"I think we haver had enough here.." - said Sound's mom pulling Sound by his shirt.

I think i made it.


I smiled as i looked at my parents.

"Do you believe me now..?"

"Go to your room, Tinn.." - my mom said as she stood from sofa and walked to kitchen.

I already knew that was "No.", so i went to my room, locked my room and sat on my bed.

So, now that i have no one in my life, school is almost over and i don't have to go, i mean i wont go however. I finished primary school, im 15, there will be new people, new school, new everything. I have to get a glow up.

Just thinking about having no one in my lide makes me feel worthless, I lost Gun and Sound, my parents are disappointed in me, Win will probably hate me when he finds out what happenedd between me and Gun.




I started crying.

I can't believe i fucking lost him.

No matter how hard i try "not to care" i actually care so much about him.

I shouldn't have said those things to him..

I want to hate him but i just can't.. Okay time will pass, i will be in high school, i will foget about him right? I mean we won't be in same high schools, i will find new friends and a girlfriend there, yeah, who needs Gun when i can find people who are way better..? I mean i won't see him ever again.. probably, maybe only in store or on street but.. i will get over him..right?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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