Chapter 15.

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I continued kissing him and moving my head on his for some time, i could feel his tongue in my mouth, thankfully be both knew how to kiss and that wasn't a problem.

He turned me and got on the top of me, "Tinn are you sure you're doing the right thing, what if my mom sees us, yk what will happen then and i don't want to risk anything."

"Im sure she won't, i want to continue doing this with you."

"Tinn we should stop, we went too far, we are still friends and friends don't do this things yk?"

"I know but give me some time to actually understand myself will you?"

"Tinn, im serious now, i won't do this with a friend, and i understand that you're still confused but this will make you even worse, i don't want to continue this." He said as he grabbed his shirt and sit on his chair.

"I guess you're right.."

Just in time his mom walked in Gun's room out of nowhere.

"What are you doing with my son?" She shouted at me

"No,no,no it's not what it looks like..i was just.. it was hot for me to i took off my shirt.."

"So you're the one who turned my son gay? You son of a bitch get the hell out of my house!"

"Mom if isn't what it looks like i swear.." - Gun said trying to make her mom calm

"No i don't fucking care and i won't let any more fags in this house, i don't care if it was hot to you, you took your shirt of next to my son and you know that he has a crush on you, you're the same as him."

I was looking at his mom speechless, too scared to move..

"Mom please calm down its not what it looks lik-" Gun said as his mother walked closer to him and slapped him.

I jumped of the bed and tried to cary Gun.

"See you're gay too, and i wont let this in my house. GET THE FUCK OUT."

"Im so sorry but please calm down you can't slap him like this it was to hard for him.."

"Oh excuse me and who are you to tell me what to do? Im his mother not you. And weren't you the one who started fight and who was choking him in his house? You son of a bitch."

"Stop calling me names you don't have any right to do that, this is between me and Gun, you can't just.."

"Oh you forgot in whose house didn't you? And i have every right to call you names because i don't want to see you near Gun ever again, because of you he was in the fight and now whole school will make fun of him because of you! And you turned him gay and i will never forgive you.!"

"It's not like that im not gay im straight you can't just assume things like that if you don't know me.."

"Why are you still here i told you to get out, pick up your shirt and leave Gun alone forever, if i see you near him again you will see what will happen."

I leaned down to Gun because he was sitting on his chair holding his cheek, i moved his hand and i saw a huge red circle. i whispered to his ear "Its okay Gun you got this!"

I picked up my shirt and i left his room, his mom followed me till the livingroom where she grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"Im warning you, if i see you near Gun ever again, i don't care where you are and what are you doing, you have no excuses, i will fucking do something you will never forget! I don't want to see you in this house ever again. YOU TURNED MY SON GAY AND IF I EVER SEE YOU NEAR OUR HOUSE YOU WILL SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN! Im just warning you."

I couldn't speak even tho i wanted to say so many things to that woman, she was for real crazy as fuck. I turned around as i left the house taking my shirt on me again. I need some time to think about this, i will just go for a walk now..

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