Chapter 8.

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When I woke up I saw my mom sitting on my bed next to me, she waited for me to wake up, she asked me what happened last night, she wanted me to be honest, without lying.

I didn't feel comfortable talking about her at that moment, she slapped me 2 times yesterday, she was an asshole to me and now she cares about me? Who's fucking with me here? There's no way I will tell her.

I only told her I'm not ready to talk with her, she slapped me.

She fucking slapped me again.

My eyes were in tears, I'm not even fully awake and she's already abusing me. What the fuck.

- "You're such a pussy, your're crying like a girl. Stop crying over little slap when you know you deserved it, you're overreacting over everthing. And now you're self harming? You are just an attention seeker, nothing more."

I packed my things and went to school, I wore what i found on my chair without thinking too much about it and i left for school.

Bruh, why is my mom like this.. She doesn't understand anything.

I went to store and bought myself food, when all of the sudden someone put their hands on my eyes, they told me to guess who it is.

I knew it immediantely, it was Tinn, I grabbed his hands and said "Tinn I know it's you what are you playing huh?".

He took his hands away from my eyes and turned me around hugging me.

I felt that feeling again, but it didn't feel right, after everything that Taya and Win said, this can't be right, maybe i should stop boing friends with him? I don't fucking know anymore.

I used a chance to ask him what happened yesterday, if he can explain it to me because I was a little confused.


- "You know.. Win and Taya are together now, and I don't like when Taya is with someone who isn't me."

- "Then why did you break up with her if you love her, I mean i know the reason but still..?"

- "Well.. promise me you won't be mad at me."

- "I promise."

- "No but seriously, promise me."

- "I promse just say it already."

- "I lied, I didn't break up with her, she did it instead."

- "Oh..?'

- "Please don't be mad I didn't how to tell you and I felt pitty for you sitting alone, I mean, you're new.. Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.."

- "Oh."

- "Please don't be mad at me, I didn't mean to make a big thing about it.."

- "Okay i guess, I will forgive you but please don't lie to me next time, especially about something like that."

- "I won't I promise."


How should i react on this now, Tinn is different whenhe is with me, what the fuck is that supposted to mean now, and why the fuck is he hugging me, why the fuck he hugged me momnts before?

When we reached into classroom I was Win and Taya sitting together, I waved to them and sat on my place, Tinn sat next to me.


- "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you, what did principal said about yesterday?"

- "She gave us another chance, just because my mom is director of the school and beacuse no one was dangerously hurt and she said if something like this happens again she will suspend us for 2 weeks."

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