When I'd finished getting changed I went back outside and saw Eden sat on the floor, she's deep in conversation with Jake. As soon as he noticed me his smiley go-happy expression changed into a scowl.

'What's he doing?' He asked, flicking his head in my direction. Eden turned around to face me and a warm smile appeared on her face. Our gaze locked for a few moments before I looked away.

'He's coming with us, there's a waterfall by his house. About ten minutes from the house, so I thought he might like to come climb one with us. Maybe we could even jump in off the top. The three of us.' Her eyes stayed on me until the end when her gaze went back to look at Jake. I hadn't notice he was glaring at me. He mumbled something that sounded like Yay invite him.

'Come on, it's a long walk.' She jumped to her feet, grabbed a bag and walking.

'I'll carry that for you if you want?' Jake said rushing to her side, practically grabbing the bag off her shoulder.

'Don't worry its okay. It's only got a few towel and lunch in' She smiled at him, he backed off and we began walking.


'Eden?' I called out her name. She stopped in her tracks and faced me, the sun illuminating her face. Her smile more radiant than the sun. I can almost hear Kade's mocking tone in my head Your so whipped! I chuckled to myself, luckily nobody could hear he because I sound like a mad person. Kade has no room to talk, he never leaves Beth side.

When she was two months pregnant she wanted to go with Amy to the pool. He came with them just in case she slipped and hurt Bolton junior, or herself. It's nice that he cares about her so much, even though she can get annoyed that he follows her around like a guard dog. I guess it has its advantages because she doesn't have to wait because everyone falls all over us because of mum and dad.

'Yeah?' She asked.

'Can I have the water bottle?' I asked. She nodded and began to look around in her bag, a moment later Jake came staggering through the greenery from behind us. He stopped and put his hands on his knee's, trying to catch his breath. His shirt was soaked in sweat, his hair was stuck to his head. He looked like a sweaty baboon. Eden passed me a the water bottle.

'How... much... fur...ther?' Jake panted. To say this guy is a English Football player he's really unfit. He show probably stop taking the steroids that are making him look buff and actually start working out. I couldn't help but smile at him. I swallowed the water in my mouth and walked to him.

'Do you need some water? You look like you've sweat out all the bodily fluids.' I said passing the bottle to him, he snatched it and emptied the container. I had to step away because of the smell coming from him.

'It's about an hours walk. It won't take long is we speed up a little.' She said pulling a bottle of sun lotion out of her bag.

'Just give me a couple minutes to catch my breath.' Jake took the seat on a rock, still panting a little. After a minute he got up and walked to me. 'Kid, Eden needs a real guy. Not some stupid kid like you. So stop making me look stupid.' He spat through a clenched jaw.

'Let's get moving, I want to get there before lunch. If we're lucky we can be in the pool of the water at the hottest part of the day.' Eden got up off the rock and began walking further up the mountain. The road became steeper and steeper, at one point I thought it would become a vertical climb.

The view from the top was breathtaking. We could see the camp site from here and the lake that Eden and I sat at last night. I can see people at the lake splashing, although they look like ants from here. I looked over the edge of the drop, it was huge. Bubba sometimes invites us to the diving lessons that he coaches, the highest board is five metres and that caused my stomach to churn from the hight. This drop is easily ten metres high and my stomach is churning.

My life as a Bolton BoyWhere stories live. Discover now