CHAPTER 33: Plan C

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Dear Readers,

This is the final chapter.  I hope you've enjoyed this journey with me so far. It does not en don a cliff hanger, but there will be an epilogue just to give you guys an update on everyone.  I will also be adding pictures of the main characters that I have been working on, since I'm drawing them.  We will see definitely see Amari, Charlotte, Brianna, Deidra and Desiree.  I might also do some of the boys like Denzel, Mo and Jackson.  Anyway, please enjoy, vote and comment your thoughts!

xxx Moonshine


"You should have kept the muscles, James. Your threat would have been for intimidating if you had them," I say with a smile that I can see unsettles them.

"You know, one of the first things you taught me when we trained was that you had to know your enemy to beat them. How can you beat me when you know nothing?" They all stand in attention, ready for battle because they think I want to fight them.

"There isn't going to be a fight here today," I say. I see Black whip out his silver knife and make towards my mate.

"Denzel, stop." That's a command, and just like that, he's rendered catatonic. The others look at him with confusion as his expression shows horror. I don't let them think about it before I bark out my next command.

"Denzel, kill Jackson." I don't bother with being specific about how he does it, I don't care. The command is clear, and he reluctantly does as he is told. He starts to attack Jackson who attempts to fight him off, yelling at him to stop to which Black keeps yelling that he can't. I'd laugh under different circumstances.

James regards me with panic. He hadn't known about this ability. No one had. I made sure of it. And the surprise in their eyes is my reward.

"James, down." I command and he falls to the ground. Surprised by his own actions. If he had known about this, he would have severed ties with the pack so I couldn't compel him, and he would have made Black do the same. But they thought being connected to the pack was their advantage, but it ended up being mine.

"Look at you Amari!" James sounds excited as opposed to the terrified he was a few seconds ago. "I can feel you power! Please, let's do this! Let's usher in the dawn of a new era!" I don't pay mind to whatever bullshit he has to say. I grab his bionic arm with my claws and yank it off before I crush it. Maybe he felt the pain of it, but I have no way of knowing since I snapped his neck and ripped his head off right after.

Black is still fighting Jackson, so I go to check on Charlotte. She's breathing and alive, but she isn't healing. I mind link Brie and tell he where to find us. I tell her to bring Dr. D with the anecdote for aconite. She affirms and confirms that the war is over. There isn't a rogue left standing, but we lost some fighters.

I turn my attention towards Black and Jackson. The anger of the war coming back to me. We lost fighters and it's because they were so stupid and reckless with the lives of so many people. All to pander to the deranged ambitions of a lunatic. I decide to show them what they are really up against. I shift and the boys look in horror at Eres' new form. I start with Black. The traitor! Eres and I rip him apart until there is nothing left but vague indications of this body once having belonged to a person.

Jackson shifts into his wolf, trying to increase his chances. But like I had said, there won't be a fight here today. He leaps out at me, and I grab him by the throat and pin him down with my front legs. I use my giant claws to tear him to shreds. This sick fuck used his magic to take advantage of so many wolves, he deserves a painful death. I leave the remainders of his wolf looking like a fur rug exploded. Maybe I didn't have to be so brutal, but a lot of things happened today that didn't have to happen.

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