CHAPTER 21: My Darling Charlotte

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Dear Reader,

Please take this as a 'mature content' warning.  I don't know what else to say about it except to mention that the research I had to do to even know how to write a scene like this will mess my algorithms up for a while.  And to my sister who is reading this, please, for the love of all that is good, don't read this chapter!  Just put the whole book down all together and play outside with the other teenagers!

-  With Love and Gratitude, Moonshine xx


The last few days with Amari have been both delightful and torturous. Ever since that night that we kissed, it's like everything we do has become perfectly synchronised. It's like I can feel more of her in me, beyond the mind link that has her in my head, I can feel parts of her within me, like she imprinted on my soul with just a kiss. A sexy as hell, long, dirty, needy kiss.

Our wolves have also gotten closer, they bother us to go for a run every day now. Venus won't settle unless she sees Eres. Eres is a beautiful black wolf with silver paws and snout, similar to Amari's skin. She's a big wolf, likely the biggest I've seen thus far, and she exudes so much power that I think if I wasn't me, if I wasn't her mate, if I didn't love her, I'd be intimidated. Instead, I'm almost proud of Eres. I feel so protected and safe with her, and she's so gentle and kind to me and Venus that there is no room for any fear.

We haven't had time to return to the archives, but the diaries Amari took out actually held more information about the Selene. Enough for us to theorise that she is the Selene, although, as of yet, there is no mark or change that we have observed. What we do know is that Amari is apparently going to instigate some sort of institutional change that will one day result in the need for someone that comes from her bloodline to 'ascend to the throne". The thought of that is terrifying because it's treasonous, and although the Royals are not tyrannical, they do not take well to treason.

"Morning Luna," A pack member I've learnt is named Aaron says as I arrive to official training without Amari. She says she has a long day and can't train me, so allowed me to go to training and measure my progress. I know I'm not ready, after all, it's been a few days short of a month since I started training with Ames, and even though she's thorough, it takes more than a few weeks to out fight some of the most powerful warriors, second only to the Royal Guard.

I greet Aaron back, ignoring how uneasy being called Luna makes me. Ever since the welcome ceremony, everyone has been calling me that. When I officially joined the pack and was introduced as the Luna-to-be, I guess everyone has sort of accepted me and this greeting has become more common than I anticipated.

I head over to Timothy, and after pleasantries, he puts me up against the same guys I fought last time. Just as I have improved, so have they, but I start to notice the flaws that Amari noticed in me, in them, and I exploit those flaws. Fighting them how Ames had fought me makes the take down of Trevor easier than last time.

When I fight Zach, I start by falling into the same bad habits of trying to over-power him. I obviously can't do that, he's huge. I start to get overcome like I did the first time I fought him; then I smell her. My mate, she's here, and I feel and urge to show her that she hasn't been wasting her efforts with me. I remember all she taught me about fighting bigger opponents. She was very adamant about driving this point home even though I can hardly imagine anyone being stronger than her.

I start to use Zach's momentum against him. Going with the flow of his blows instead of trying to go against them. Using my speed to gain an upper hand and doing my best to put up a better fight. He eventually wins, but this victory isn't easy for him. I feel better about my loss because this time, it's because he was a better fighter, not because I am a shit one. But my pride in myself means nothing to me right now, I want to know what my mate thinks.

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