CHAPTER 18: Changes

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I'm surrounded by complete darkness when suddenly stars appear around me. It looks like I'm in space, floating around, until suddenly I start to fall. I scream as I fall into what looks like an abyss, but after a while, I get used to the feeling of falling and stop screaming whilst I feel by body move quickly though space with stars passing me as I descend into an unknown.

As suddenly as I started falling, I stop. I look ahead of me and there is a bright light. I see a form come out of it and as it gets closer, I recognise the form. It's Eres. But I'm Eres. Eres is in me, how is she out there. I try to reach her to talk to her, but as I speak to the wolf that's supposed to be inside me, the one standing before me responds.

"Eres what the hell is going on?" I ask.

Come with me, we need to talk. She instructs, and powerless to refuse, I do just as I'm instructed.

We walk through the light and end up in front of what seems to be a water fountain. It is loud and the moment I see it the noise overwhelms me and I hunch over as all the murmuring form before comes back and my mind is again in a frenzy. Eres is saying something, but I can't hear her over all the noise, and it seems to be getting louder.

Amari stand up! She barks at me, and I struggle to my feet, ears blocked in vain as the noise seems to be coming from within me.

I don't have much time before you need to wake up so listen carefully! You've found your mate. The closer you get, the more changes you'll notice. I'm here to help you with the noise. It's not hard to turn it off. It's not hard to fine tune it and get specific. Think of it like a radio where you can choose the station, the volume and even turn it off. So shut it off if you want to!

I do as I'm told, well at least I try to, and its hard at first, but soon enough, the noise quietens down to a silence. My headache eases and I let out a relieved sigh.

Good. Now listen. This is only the beginning. You will notice more changes. You'll get stronger, faster, you've already noticed that you can smell beyond any wolf's abilities, and you know of your ability to compel others. There will be more the closer you get to your mate, until you go through the biggest change. There is a prophesy that will be revealed to you after the change. Don't fear the change, ye of pure blood. The Selene Alpha.

Before I can ask what the fuck this all means, Eres turns to face me and bows her head, revealing a crescent moon with constellations on the back of her neck. When I see it, my neck starts to burn, and I scream in pain until I feel the strength leave my body and my near lifeless being begins a speedy ascent.

I wake up in the Pack Hospital. The familiar scent of strawberry shortcake catching me off guard. I'm drenched in sweat and next to me is a sleeping Charlotte, holding onto my hand for dear life. I look around and see my mother sitting on a chair with Brianna at her feet and it all feels too familiar. It takes me back to when I was a child, and all the times I woke up here to a scene similar to this, except there was no mate to hold my hand and instantly calm my nerves.

I want to stay still to not wake anyone up, but from past experience, I know they'll want to know I'm awake from the moment I open my eyes, so I press the button to call a nurse. In less than a minute, Dr. D walks into the room looking worried until he sees that it's me who called and he instantly relaxes.

"You're awake!" He says by way of greeting. I nod my head and give him a faint smile. He goes around and wakes my mother up who first looks alarmed but them calms down when she sees that I'm awake. Her movement wakes Brie up and she leaps to her feet and comes running to my bedside. I squeeze Charlotte's hand and she slowly begins to wake up as well. At first she looks confused, but then it's like she remembers where she is and why she's there and terror takes over her features.

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