CHAPTER 10: Charlotte Odair

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"Charlotte Odair hurry up or your brother will be late!"

"You know you can go without me," I reply to my mother quietly but knowing full well that she heard it.

The perks of being a wolf I guess.

I hear footsteps and then in no time, she's in my room looking very displeased.

"You know we can't go without you; we need to look like a united family. The Nash Family is not going to give their daughter to a family that looks divided," she snaps.

"Yikes, mother, they aren't giving her away, she not a tradeable object. And besides, a bigger pack isn't going to give us anything. If Kane is chosen to be her forced mate, sorry, I mean "chosen" mate, then you're the one giving him up." I say this hoping to irritate her even a little as revenge for dragging me to yet another event in which she tries to pimp my brother out.

She gives me a disapproving look and rolls her eyes, "It's Alpha Kane, not just Kane, learn it," she snaps back. Now it's me that's irritated, what a phenomenal Uno reverse but I'm not one to give up.

"Yes, the fearsome Alpha Kane, and his mommy," I retaliate.

She narrows her eyes at me, and I smirk, "You get your attitude from your father," she dismisses me with the wave of her hand, scanning my room.  "You look packed up, why the delay?"

"I'm reluctant," I respond, lying back on my bed.

"That's a poor excuse, when have you ever been anything but?" She says dismissively, giving me a brief once over before leavening the room. I hear her instruct one of the helpers to come and collect my bags. There's not much in them except lounge wear and a dress for the Ball. That's where my mom is hoping to make an appearance and hopefully forge a more permanent alliance with the all so powerful Nash Family.

As if they'd pick us. We aren't a small pack, but we definitely aren't on their level. They dominate in the wolf world and in the human world. I'd be surprised if they don't pick a Royal to be mated to their daughter. They are a good ally though, but our relationship has always been one sided, since there isn't much we can give them except like moral support and the occasional intel.

I'm not enthusiastic for this Ball. I have no reason to go. All the focus is on Kane finding a mate, so I'm essentially there for display. As has been the case my whole life. Kane's sister. That's my name in this pack. I'm more invisible than even a common warrior, because everything I am, my brother was it first, even if I'm better, I'm late, or I must have learnt it from Kane. It doesn't help that he's somewhat the shit. The golden boy. My mother poured out all her love on him, that only droplets were left for me.

The only time I can expect attention from my mom in my life time, is when I'm supposed to find a mate, because although I'm insignificant, my mate sure as hell cannot be. However, I'm not really fussed about finding my true mate. I've already hardened myself to the reality that once my brother is sold to the highest bidder, I will too. There is no point in hoping for something that's not even encouraged in my house. Not even in the pack. Most people here mate for convenience and the political advantage it poses to our Pack, my mother encourages it. As the Alpha of the pack (well recently retired Alpha, though you'd never know) she encouraged Pack members to mate in order to strengthen our connections.

I just hope I get a mate that's far enough away that I don't have to be back here too often.

I make my way to the car as we head to the airport. My mother didn't want us to drive even though it's literally our neighbouring pack (granted still a 3 hour drive) so we're using the jet which is usually put aside for important pack business, which a Ball apparently constitutes.

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