CHAPTER 8: Match Made

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"I can't believe my mom let you have an off day, Brie! Especially with the Ball in just a few days I'd think she'd be working you to the bone at this point," I comment whilst Brie and I get ready for morning training.

It had been a few days since the "Dates" disasters, and Brie and I had hardly spent time together. While she was with Luna Nash, doing Beta duties, I was playing perfect host to Scarlet and Monroe, the only two dates that agreed to stay until the ball. To be fair, they were the only two dates invited to stay.

I'd been getting to know both of them and found that I actually really liked them. Monroe and I made very good friends, and to the chagrin of the Alphas of both our packs, we refused to be mated. It felt wrong, and in the short space of time, he had become so familiar that I've actually started to see him as more of a brother and to be mated to him would be sick.

Scarlet, on the other hand, I liked. We got along quite well, and Dr D really liked her and insisted that I choose her. He is bias however, since he only wants her because she spends most of her time at the Pack Hospital, fine tuning her skills as a doctor. I've seen her in action and honesty, it's made me like her more. I wish I could say it's her compassion or her brilliance, but in reality, it's how hot she looks in scrubs. Like? Who even looks hot in scrubs?

I've been playing the good little host and going to training and trying to avoid Alpha Nash who is now prone to lectures about duties and obligations just because I won't pick a mate. The only saving grace is my mother who insists that I wait until the Ball which then leads the two arguing about it, allowing my escape. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they had money riding on who I pick.

It's nice to finally spend time with Brie. She'd become concerningly clingy over the last few days. Like I get it she misses me, I miss her too, but she has taken things too far. She's been sleeping in my bed, sniffing me, and overall being very needy. My mom has said she'd been a little short and irritable at the event planning, so I wonder what incident granted her a day off.

"Yeah, she didn't let me have a day off in as much as she commanded me to fuck off for a bit so my parents don't kill me," Brie responds as we make our way out the house and down to training.

"What did you do this time?" I ask, dreading the answer.

"Well," Brie takes pause, and locks the door behind us, "I may or may not have told my parents, you know, the Gammas, in a conversation about me sleeping at home since its 'closer to the pack Hall', that I'd rather eat a jean jacket than be under the same roof as them."

"That's not so bad," I respond, shocked that this is the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Well, then they insisted to your mother, and I told them there wouldn't be enough room for me anyway since they reside up Luna Nash's ass."

"Oh no," is all I can master before she continues.

"I then pulled rank, and told them to only speak to their Beta when spoken to. And when the said they pray to Moon Goddess that I develop some sense, I jumped back and looked surprised, then told them I was sure they'd burst into flames by calling on the name of our Goddess because devils don't tend to mix with the divine."

"Brianna Reid!" I express my shock and horror.

"Funny, that's exactly what Luna Nash said before she commanded my parents to put their claws away, you know how they get with their claws."

Images of deep cuts on the stomach and back of a young Brie run through my mind. Thank the Goddess for all that therapy and all that distance, or they'd be dead.

"Anyway," she continues, "Luna Nash said she thinks I'm a little 'Amari sick', and would benefit from some quality time. She dismissed me before I dug a deeper hole for myself and now, I get to come to training."

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