Teddy | Part 2

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You've recently become a Professor at Hogwarts - the Magical Creatures Professor, to be precise. Your favourite thing to teach your students about has always been Nifflers. You told them often of Teddy, Newt's precious feathery companion whom you loved dearly. You even brought the both of them to class one day, and the students got to pet and give treats to Teddy. He absolutely loved it, and behaved himself, thanks to your little pep talk (involving the words "behave", "students" and "treats", exclusively in that order) beforehand.

You loved your students, and they loved you. You knew you made the right choice as soon as you stepped foot back into the school grounds, after having gone there yourself and made many valuable memories.

On this particular winter day, the students of Hogwarts all spent the day at Hogsmeade. You went, yourself, and had Newt meet you there. You also told him to bring Teddy with him.

As you walked down the brick road, hand-in-hand with your love, and with the adorable onyx-coloured creature on your shoulder, you greeted students that went by as they called out to you and Teddy. Some even came over to pet him or give him a treat. Whenever they did either one, his tiny little tail would wag back and forth, and he'd make his cute trilling noises of happiness.

It was becoming clear that Teddy the Niffler was rapidly becoming a favourite among the students at Hogwarts.

You and Newt entered a shop for supplies for magical creatures, and you searched for food and treats for yours at the school.

Newt went off to find a bag of treats for Teddy and some food for his Bowtruckles. Pickett, like usual, was lounging in the comforting pocket of Newt's coat.

You found the shelves housing the food for Kneazles, Crups and Augureys.

Kneazles are tall cats with large ears. They come in varying colours and patterns. Crups are dogs with white and brown colouring, and they have forked tails. They're very loyal to Wizards, since they're wizard-bred, but hostile to Muggles and Squibs. Augureys are large, blackish birds with a mournful look about them. People thought their cries were an ominous sign of impending death, but, after more research, it came to be known that their cries are just warnings of coming rain. Their blackish-green feathers actually repel ink, as well.

You taught a lot about various magical creatures, including these guys. Augureys were truly fascinating. They were shy, but sweet when comfortable and when they trust the one handling them. They almost look like phoenixes, but dark, broody and timid.

You had one back at the school named Knox, and he was a very good boy. He could even make noises on command, and he would lift one of his large taloned feet and grab and shake your hand if you lifted it to him correctly, slowly as to not spook him. Once one knows how to treat him, he's easy.

You adjusted your bag on your shoulder and grabbed a bag of Kneazle food and a bag of Augurey food, tucking them under one arm and turning to go to the register. Newt met you there.

However, upon having adjusted your bag on your shoulder, a piece of parchment with vital information on your next lesson - which happened to be about Augureys - for your class slipped out.

Teddy watched it flutter to the floor, his small, round eyes blinking a couple times. Once you reached the register with Newt meeting you there, a bag of treats and Bowtruckle food in his arms, the Niffler launched himself at the floor in the direction of the food shelf you came from.

"Teddy-!" you yelped, swiftly turning to watch what he was doing.

He landed with a hollow thump on the wooden floor and bolted around a wall corner, his claws scraping against the boards.

You furrowed your eyebrows and began to follow him before he reappeared. His little claws clacked on the laminated wood floor as he quickly padded to you.

You couldn't help but chuckle as you bent down and picked him up, letting him go back to his comfy spot on your shoulder.

Newt smiled and scratched the Niffler before you both turned to the cashier and paid for your items, putting the smaller bags of feed into a larger bag to carry them all. Newt did the honours of carrying the heavy bag.

Once you were both finished, you walked back out into the bricked street, hand-in-hand once again.

Students passing by either awwed at your affection with Newt, pet Teddy, or stopped to chat for a few minutes before moving on with their friends to get candy from Honeyduke's.

Deciding to reread the Magical Creatures lesson information on your little note, you squeezed Newt's hand before letting it go. You pulled your bag a little higher and rummaged around, furrowing your eyebrows as you noticed that it seemed to be missing.

Had you dropped it in the feed supply store? Did you leave it in your classroom? Had someone swiped it... for whatever reason that would be very unlikely?

You swore under your breath, searching your bag again, looking in every pocket, nook and cranny.

Newt noticed your discomfort and placed a hand on yours to halt its rapid movement. "Love, what's wrong?"

You swore under your breath again, sighing and rubbing your face. "I seem to have misplaced my parchment for the information on Augureys for my next lesson. It's important, and I have a supplier I'm supposed to meet tomorrow so he can donate to my class for the school - shit, I'm so clumsy-"

Newt silenced you with a tender kiss, before he leaned back and placed his hands on your arms. "It's going to be okay, honey. I know how important this is to you. We will find this information, I assure you. However, if we do not, I will help you gather the information again, I swear it. Okay? We will figure this out."

"Shit, Newt, what if we don't? I need this parchment, what if I've dropped it and someone's taken it, what if-"

Teddy prodded your face with his bill, quieting your words. He sat up, steadying himself with a paw on your forehead, and he dug his other paw into the pouch on his belly. He rummaged around for a moment before grabbing the item he was looking for and yanked it out.

You gasped in delight as he held it out to you to take. You took it and put it safely in your bag before grabbing him off of your shoulder and holding him in your arms.

"That must be why he buggered off earlier in the store," Newt surmised, smiling proudly. "Maybe the parchment fell out of your bag."

     You smiled at Teddy, and he seemed to be smiling, as well, his bill wide open as he stared up at you. "You, sir, are going to get lots of cuddles and a gourmet meal for dinner. You've earned it. You saved my next lesson!" You tickled his soft belly and he squeaked and trilled, squirming around. You and Newt laughed, before he wrapped an arm around your waist. You held Teddy in your arms and walked back toward Hogwarts.

     This little guy was such a bundle of joy, and you were glad he was around.

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ϟ 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 ϟWhere stories live. Discover now