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You had gotten a nasty paper cut in your last class. It was in a bad spot, too; just above the cuticle on your right index finger. The one sensitive spot you never want to get paper cuts on, and yet here you are.

It did hurt at first, but the pain quickly subsided... minus the fact that things often bumped it and made it hurt again, but the sharp pain never lasted long, thank goodness.

Unfortunately, you didn't have any bandages to protect it, so you'd have to just push through it. Despite the pain being sharp, it wasn't a big deal.

After your last class ended, you headed out to meet Mattheo at the library to study with him for an upcoming test you both had.

Upon your arrival, he smiled and waved as a greeting, and you returned it.

"Hey, Matty," you said, sitting in your chair across the table from him.

"Hey, N/N," he replied, "I have that book you needed, it's just in my bag."

You smiled at him and pulled your notebook from your own bag, placing it on the table.

Mattheo pulled out the book you had requested and held it out to you. You reached for it, but miscalculated the position of your hand and hissed in pain upon nicking your small but painful cut with the edge of the book.

His head immediately turned to face you and he had a concerned look on his face as he set the book down in front of you. You were fiddling with the cut finger, glaring daggers at it.

He felt an amused grin form on his face, despite being a little concerned. "What is it?" he asked, leaning forward, "You alright?"

You glanced up at him. "Oh, I'm alright, it's just a paper cut I got from my last class."

He gestured for you to hold out your hand and you obliged, letting him inspect it with a careful grip on it.

It made your heart flutter how much he cared.

A little wince crossed his face before he chuckled. "They're small, but they can be so painful," he smiled up at you, "You may not need any, but I have some ointment and a bandage I can dress it with. I'll grab it." He turned in his seat to rummage in his bag with one hand, while the other still held onto yours. He had always carried extra just in case it was needed.

Your heart melted at the thought, and the smile on your face never disappeared.

He turned back toward your hand with the small tube of ointment and a small bandage in his hand. He began dressing your itty bitty wound, not realizing that you've been admiring him the whole time.

You never stopped gazing at his face as he concentrated on making sure your cut was protected. Making sure you were okay, despite the fact that it was only a small, albeit painful, cut.

When he looked back up after having finished dressing the cut, he saw that you were already staring with eyes full of adoration and appreciation.

His face flushed, but he stared back with a small uncertain smile. "What..?" he quietly asked.

"Have I ever told you how thoughtful and beautiful of a person you are?"

His face went beet red from that.

Nonetheless, he responded. "No, nobody's ever told me that," he sheepishly muttered while avoiding your eyes.

"Well, now someone has."

He swore he fell in love with you right then and there.

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ϟ 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 ϟWhere stories live. Discover now