Invisibility Cloak | 3k Special

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A/N: Thank you guys for 3k reads😭💕

This one is too funny

Disclaimer: NOT MY ART. I just wanted to include it so y'all can imagine what my brilliant idea came from💀
I just saw it on Pinterest and thought it was the funniest thing ever

Ik that the animagus thing I put in here probably isn't accurate to the actual lore, but I tried to make it fit, so bear with me, here😅

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Chaos. Pure chaos.

James was a huge stag, Sirius was a scruffy black dog, and Peter was a tiny rat. Literally.

Aaand you were an owl. A greater sooty owl, to be precise. Colours including black, various shades of gray, and bright, glacier blue eyes.

Remus was the only non-animagus, and he was desperately trying to shove the four of you under the Invisibility Cloak.

You four had accidentally turned into animals, figuring out in that moment that you were animagi, and had freaked out as a result. Remus calmed you guys down and retrieved the Invisibility Cloak to attempt to sneak you through the school halls without being caught for having animals in the school - including the fact that it was late at night and you were supposed to be in bed.


James' fat stag ass couldn't even fit under it, and he was just one of the four.

You, however, were perched on his antlers and your wings furiously flapped and you let out screeches whenever his head jerked to the side while Remus tried shoving his large head under the cloak.

Peter was hanging on the edge of the cloak, squeaking loudly when he was slipping but grabbed on even harder with his tiny paws.

Sirius was sitting on the side, barking stupidly with the rolled up Marauders Map in his mouth. Every time he barked, the map fell out and he picked it up again. It was an endless cycle.

One of James' hooves slipped forward and his front fell, knocking into Remus' knee and bringing him down with him. Peter, still holding onto the part of the cloak draped across James' back, was thrown into the floor when the stag fell, only to be dragged back up into the air when he didn't let go. You let out a loud screech as you flew up before you were thrown down with the three idiots.

A loud thump reverberated through the room when they fell, and Remus let out a string of unsavoury words as he stood up with James. You landed back onto James' antlers, though lower, this time, so you could lean down and peck harshly at the fur between his eyes. He bellowed in response, basically telling you to piss off, and you screeched at him. He glared at you, and you glared right back.

"I told you your huge ass wouldn't fit-"

Remus was interrupted by Sirius letting out a loud bark, yet again dropping the map. He growled as he dipped down to pick it up - yet again.

"Shut up, you son of a murtlap!" Remus yelled at Sirius, who growled in response.

You screeched loudly at them again to shut them up, and it seemed to have worked, but another screech involuntarily flew out when you were yanked downward by your talons when James suddenly bent his front legs to lean down.

Your body collided with his large face, and you started flapping your wings in anger and trying to get back up again. Sirius seemed to laugh to himself at you and James, Peter was still hanging onto the magical fabric for dear life, and Remus was still desperately trying to shove Prongs under the cloak.

Then, amidst all this chaos, the door opened.

"Excuse me, what is going on, here?"

There stood Professor McGonagall.

Everything went quiet, and all eyes were on her.

Your wings had stopped flapping, and you had just decided to stay where you were, still lying flat on the top of James' head with your wings hanging down either side. Peter had stopped squeaking and flailing his hind paws around, and instead just hung there as he stared wide-eyed at his professor. Sirius had opened his mouth and let the map fall to the floor, not picking it back up this time. Remus, still grasping the invisibility cloak tightly with both hands, only stared at the professor.

Her face was blank. She was quiet. Everyone was quiet. You could hear a pin drop.

"...Professor McGonagall?" Remus reluctantly called as he watched her silently turn away and close the door.

Everyone remained silent for a moment that felt like an eternity, sharing uncertain glances and staring at the now closed door.

"Uh," Remus muttered, standing up straighter, still holding onto the cloak. "I think it's time we went to bed."

You felt James nod his head, and he stood up straight again. Having remembered that your feathery body was still draped across his face, James tilted his nose down so you slid off. Though, you started furiously flapping to catch yourself. You screeched angrily in his floppy ear and he winced, rotating it the other way.

Remus chuckled, holding his forearm up to you. You tilted your head before you flew a bit closer and stretched your feet out, grasping his arm and perching yourself on it.

"Padfoot," Remus called, and the large black dog perked up. "Can you try to change back?"

Sirius seemed to think for a moment before his whole appearance changed and he fell forward with a graceful landing. On his face. He let out a pained grunt, and Remus snickered. You let out trilling noises that resembled that of laughter, and Sirius glared up at both of you before he stood and dusted off his trousers with his hands.

Peter had long since let go of the cloak that was still draped over James' back, and the two of them attempted to change back.

Remus crouched down so you could step onto the floor and change as well. You did, and you briefly looked up at him and Sirius.

Sirius thought the tiny dark owl on the floor was just the cutest thing ever, and he had to refrain from dipping down and petting you, but it took a lot of effort. Plus, you'd surely take a hefty chunk out of his hand if he tried.

Once you, James, and Peter had changed back to your human forms, you all headed for your common room to turn in for the night.

It was surely one hell of a day.

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ϟ 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 ϟWhere stories live. Discover now