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•.*\ ϟ /*.•

A/N: I recommend turning the volume up quite a bit for the song. And wear headphones. It sounds amazing, trust me. :)

~ * ϟ * ~

It was nearly Christmas, and it was snowing out.

You were stood by a tree at the edge of the Black Lake, which had a sheet of ice sitting on the water with a thin layer of snow resting overtop it. The forest trees across the lake were coated in snow, and the grass and castle were blanketed in the pretty substance as well.

You loved the snow, never got tired of its pristine beauty; how the untouched, smooth snow glittered from under the rays of the sun, how the little snowflakes delicately peppered everything they touched, how it made Draco look ethereal when he stood beside you as he admired the beautiful weather with his gloved hands resting in the pockets of his puffy jacket.

The little flakes of snow sat on the edges of his eyelashes, rested on top of his soft ivory hair, lied glittering on the black jacket he wore - almost resembling a starry scene against an endless pitch black sky.

His bluish-gray, almost white eyes complimented everything about the weather. His pale, porcelain skin kissed delicately with snowflakes, a faded red adorning his cheeks, lips, and nose.

He looked to be completely and utterly at peace.

He looked almost otherworldly, like he could be one of the fairest elves of the elven kingdom of Lothlórien from the Lord of the Rings. He looked like he could be the son of the Lady Galadriel herself.

He looked like he was born in the wintertime, born of the snow itself.

You didn't realize you were staring until he looked down at you, only to find you already gazing at him as if he were the only person on earth.

A sheepish grin graced his pretty features. "What..?" he muttered with a low, silky voice, looking as if nerves suddenly overcame him.

You only shook your head, not blinking or breaking your eye contact with his face even once.

You studied every faint blemish on his fair skin, every eyelash, every strand of hair, every tiny detail in his eyes, every wrinkle and curve in his lips.

"You just look pretty in this weather," you murmured, stepping closer to him, "I can't help but stare."

His eyes widened, and his heartbeat picked up the pace.

It was his turn to study your face - it was easier, now that you were closer to him.

Much like him, the snowflakes speckled everything; your skin, your hair, your clothes.

The way you were looking at him made him appreciate the sight even more, and he wanted nothing more than to take a picture with his eyes and store it away in his mind forever.

If only he could...

And if only you could do the same with him.

ϟ 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 ϟWhere stories live. Discover now