chapter 4 "preparations for a big night"

Start from the beginning

Honestly I'm surprised I had it in me to be like that, robin says alcohol helps me have some 'liquid courage' to let loose.

"Please don't remind me, I was scrubbing Mr McClangs porch for a month to get out of punishment for my last shenanigans" I said putting my hand over my face as the others chuckled.

"What could you have possibly done to get stuck with old man McClang?" Jenny asked, laughing, she was quiet for most of the flight. 

I glanced at her, considering whether to tell her, she was the newest of the group members, so learning about some of our past chaotic adventures was kind of a privilege once she proved herself.

Rose and Andrew had to do the same, though they wormed their way into my heart faster than I expected. 

Now they were trying to butter me up to get me to like Jenny. 

"Weeeeell Jenny, I would tell you, but ashy over here is still being stubborn, but I'm just saying now, it was crazy, you'll learn to enjoy these drunken adventures eventually" Robin said with a smirk.

He knew that nickname flustered me, he called me that as a kid, it made me seem so not intimidating, despite my reputation I had worked for.

"Well birdy I'm sure she'll learn more when the time's right, I'm not that mean '' I say sticking my tongue out.

Birdy was my nickname for him. 

He went red at the name hiding behind his screen again "touché" he grumbled in a low voice.

I stuck my tongue out with a smile at my victory over him, he knew I'd buy him a drink later. 


Roughly 11 hours later.

The flight here to America had been long, we had to be careful considering we were flying undetected, if we were caught we would be done for.

We had arrived at the safe house we'd be staying in for the mission, it wasn't too large or small, two bedrooms with just enough room for two twin beds in each, some drawers, a bathroom kitchen and common room.

There was a basement too but that was just general storage now, the place was under a farmer's name, a sympathiser for us. 

He told the alpha of this territory that it was a spare home his family had owned for a while, meaning they didn't check the building even on hunts, they would have no idea we are here. 

It would be a couple hours before we head out to the capital here, the supreme Alpha's were holding a party, they needed to cover up the urgency of their meeting with a lie. 

So they chose to say it was a surprise party, announcing a pregnancy, easy enough to believe. 

"Hey Robin! Birdy boy, you got those fake IDs ready?" I shouted down the stairs, I had finished getting dressed in a stolen uniform. A white button up, a black and silver corset waistcoat, tight black trousers, black boots, silk white gloves and a simple black bowtie.

I had my black hair up in a fancy loose bun, Andrew was surprisingly good at doing hair, maybe a hairdresser in a past life.

"Of course I do, did you ever doubt my capabilities?" He said with a smile playfully clutching fake pearls as he held up the set of fake IDs with his other hand, his grey-blue eyes batting at me playfully.

He held three IDs up, one for me, Rose and Jenny, all with fake names now and pictures, we had to be careful with these, my real face was on it. 

I grabbed mine examining it. 

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