The mysterious stranger

Start from the beginning

'Yeah I am okay. Thank you so much' you replied unable to take eyes of his puppy eyes and perfectly shaped lips.
'Is this cat yours?' he asked in monotone.
'No, its not mine. I saw it running in the middle of the road so picked it up.' While speaking you saw a belt written as Momo tied to the cat's neck and a small paper folded as star was attached to it. You opened it and read 'We are sorry Momo. I hope you get a deserving owner. The one who is reading it, please take good care of my precious cat.'
'I think the owner abandoned it. Such an idiot, y people adopt it when they can't raise. I am sorry Momo that this happened to you. We humans are selfish' you said patting him gently.
'Do you want to adopt it? I would have raised him but I am barely home because of my work' you asked the tall man who was staring at you with glittering eyes.

'Me? I have never taken care of animals' he replied.
'Then this is your time to adopt one. You seem a gentleman so I asked you.'
'umm ok give it to me I will take care of it' he said while taking the cat in his hand.
You handed over the cat to him and removed the belt he was wearing. 'From now on you are not Momo anymore. You are going to have a fresh start with a better owner. What should we name him? Ahh.. How about sugar? Sugar you like your new name?' you patted his jaw and smiled cutely. Sugar creased his cheeks in your hand softly expressing his gratitude.

'I think he like both you and the name you gave him. Would you mind exchanging numbers? I can update you with pics of sugar. You can also come to meet him anytime you want' he said giving his cell phone to you.
'Yeah sure, why not. I would like to see sugar again' you typed your number and gave it back to him.

'Your good name? to save number __?' he hesitantly asked.
'Y/N, I am Y/N'
'Nice to meet you Y/N. I am lee Jungsuk' he offered his hand for a handshake. You accepted the handshake. 'Bye Sugar, Be healthy and try to forget about your past owner, he might have had his reasons' you said before bidding a goodbye. You went back to the restaurant and saw Jungkook standing by the door blocking your way.

'Who were you talking to?' he asked with straight face.

'Just a stranger, who is now my friend' you replied pushing him aside to open the door.
'Its not good to talk to strangers' he grabber the door blocking the entrance again.
'Look Mr.Jungkook, I am an adult and I know what to do and what not. Don't try to be my dad. I want to go inside move away _ _ _ _ Please' you said rolling your eyes.

He left your way and you went inside. Later, you reached home and slept like a hippo.

Next morning

You woke up hearing your cellphone ringing nonstop. Who the F*** is calling me nonstop in weekend. You checked you cell phone with sleepy eyes 'Jimin? Why is he calling me?' you murmured.
'Y/N what's taking you too long to pick up a damn call. I called you 5 times already?'
'It's Saturday morning Jimin. Why you called?' you said in a low sleepy voice.
'We have mission, its super urgent get up. We are already here to pick you up. Come down fast' he said making you wide awake.
'What? Mission? Oppa Its Saturday. Don't do this to me.' You said while peeking down the window to see a black ford parked outside your building.
'You are not a software employee. We don't have time come down' he said before cutting the call.
'Fuuuuccccccckkkkkkkk' you screamed in anger.

Time skip

'Danny's gang has meeting in Quba pub today. I tapped one of their cellphones. There will be many gangsters and we can get a lot of information about him.' Teahyung explained showing some messages on the screen.
'But we can't go and raid the pub or arrest any of them. We have to go there as normal people and try to listen to their conversation. We can't take guns as there will be high security' Jin explained.

'How will we go there and listen to the conversation? They won't allow us inside' Hoseok asked.

'My friend is a member of the pub. I got passes for us. But to listen to their conversation we need to go to the meeting room. Only Y/N can enter it as there will be many girls to seduce them for money. Y/N will go inside and listen to their discussion' Namjoon suggested.

'What? no way' Jungkook and teahyung shouted at the same time.

'No, we should not send her. Its too risky for her' Hoseok said.
'Why you guys are over reacting? Let her decide if she wants to do it' Jimin said looking at you

Everyone was looking at you, waiting for you to speak. You took a minute before speaking 'I hate when somebody touches me inappropriately. But, I will do it. You have to promise me you will take me out as soon I signal you.'
'Sure, I assure you. We won't let anyone hurt you' Namjoon said giving you an assured smile.

'I think you have to work on your style. If you enter like this, they will kick you out for sure. Leave it to me I will take care of your looks today' Jimin gave you a cunning smile.

Time Skip

You wore a red silk long dress with heels. Your hair falling upto your shoulder. Makeup artist applied light makeup with dark red lipstick.


You saw six men staring at you unable to take their eyes off you

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You saw six men staring at you unable to take their eyes off you. But jungkook's eyes caught your attention, he was looking at you like a thirsty traveller at an oasis of loveliness. His look gave you butterflies.

'Damn, If I was not married I would have asked you out' Namjoon said admiring your beauty.

'Boys close your mouth and concentrate on the mission. No one is as beautiful as KM SEOK JIN' Jin spoke making them sigh 'Ahhh not again'.

(A/N: Hey cupcakes, sorry for the long chapter. Words were overflowing on my mind. Hope you enjoyed it. I know y'all might be missing Suga. I have something too special for him. You will find that out in next chapter.)
Next chapter: Second Encounter is coming soon.)

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