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"And she said I was 'distracting' her," I sigh, recounting the events of yesterday with Hope to Josie and Lizzie in my room.

Lizzie, always one to suggest retail therapy, chimes in, "You know what you need right now?"

I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Shopping therapy," she declares with enthusiasm.

I whine and plop down on my bed.

Lizzie gives me an innocent look. "What? It works every time."

Josie, however, interjects with a more thoughtful question. "Did you guys talk today?"

I shake my head. "No... I wanted to give her some space."

"Well, don't worry, you've got me and Jo, and we know what will make you feel better," Lizzie reassures me.

"Lizzie, I'm not throwing eggs at her. I told you already."

"I wasn't talking about that... unless you're down for it," Lizzie quips, referring to her earlier suggestion about throwing eggs.

She continues, "I meant a night out, the three of us. That way, you can clear your mind and give Hope some space until she gets some sense in her brain. After you finish your shift at the grill, we can meet you there and play some pool."

Josie seems to think it's a good idea. "That's actually a good idea," she says.

I consider it for a moment. A night out with my friends sounds like just what I need right now, and it's been a while since I spent quality time with Josie and Lizzie. "Fine, I'm in," I agree with a smile.

"Great, that's the spirit! And maybe you'll meet a new hottie," Lizzie suggests with a mischievous grin.

I shake my head, firm in my feelings. "I don't want a new 'hottie.' I want my short, blue-eyed tribrid girlfriend."

"Alright, alright. It was worth a shot."

"This was fun and all, but I have to get ready for work," I say, reluctantly preparing to leave.

"We'll see you tonight," Josie says, giving me a warm hug, which I reciprocate.

Lizzie can't resist one last attempt at convincing me. "And if you change your mind about the egg thing, you know I would be more than happy to..."

I interrupt her firmly, "No."

As Josie and Lizzie leave, I share a hug with Lizzie, feeling grateful for their company and support. After they're gone, I change into my work clothes and head to begin my shift at the grill.

I can't help but wonder if Hope will text me today. I don't like the fact that she's mad at me, and I hope we can work things out soon.

I finally arrive at the grill and begin my shift. I greet my coworker, Josh, with a friendly smile. He's a nice guy and a few years older than Sam.

"Hey, kid, can you take care of the bar today?" he asks.

"Yeah, sure," I reply, ready to take on the responsibility and keep myself busy during my shift.

As I serve people their drinks, I try to keep my mind busy and distracted from the recent events with Hope. Josh strikes up a conversation with me.

"So, kid, how was your special date yesterday? Did she like the spot I told you about?" he asks with a friendly smile.

I hesitate for a moment but manage to reply, "Y-yeah, she loved it."

"Are you alright, kid? You seem pretty off today," Josh observes, showing concern.

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