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𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝐹𝐼𝐺𝑈𝑅𝐸𝑆 𝑂𝐹 Ellaria Sand and her daughter stood before them, along with the stupid grin of Euron Greyjoy.
For some reasons, Jadeyn found herself again by her sister side with Jaime, watching Euron bring forth the  women in chains.

"My Queen, please, accept this gift on behalf of all your loyal subjects on the Iron Islands" He brought the two of them on their knees before the Queen "I give you what no other man could give-justice. Justice for your murdered daughter" His gaze went from Jaime to Cersei again and then to the crowd, in the process enjoying the sight of the Queen's sister's deep neckline.

Yes, and our brother killed the murderers of her son, and she the killed the ones who tried to corrupt the other. Not very special, is he? Jade thought.

Ellaria spat at Cersei's feet, causing her to breath a laugh "You've proven yourself the greatest captain of the fourteen seas and a true friend to the crown"

"You deserve more than a true friend"

"And you deserve a proper reward for your heroism" Jade felt Jaime tense next to her and shot a glare at the Greyjoy, as did she.

"There's only one reward I want"

"You shall have what your heart desires...when the war is won"

Cersei got up from the Throne, addressing to the people "With Euron Greyjoy commanding our naval forces and Jaime Lannister leading our armies, the sons and daughters of Westeros shall defend our country"

As Cersei spoke, Euron took his place between the other two Lannister siblings, elbowing Jadeyn in the process of get there. The place he touched, even through her sleeve, felt like rot and brought a metalic taste in her mouth.

The man still turned to her, giving her a smirk. Jaime kept glaring at him, but Euron's gaze was either at Jade or at Cersei. One thing that got his attention  caught was the Greyjoy's hand slowly travelling to his younger sister's ass. Jaime acted quickly, on instinct, however he couldn't grab his hand and yank him off, instead, he hit his wrist with the golden hand.

That seemed to work even more when Jadeyn realised what he wanted to do, her stare amused Euron, making him to satisfied already to keep trying.


𝐻𝐸𝑌 𝑊𝐸𝑅𝐸 𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐸. He was here. Everything in Jadeyn's mind stopped when she caught the glimpse of him. Not seeing him in his usual armor was strange and he let his beard grow. And he stood just as tall as before.

Now, the presence of the Mountain behind her and her sister became suffocating. Jade's eyes didn't seem to want to look at something else other than him.

Somehow, she managed to keep her stare to herself, while their all took their seats. He moved, he was approaching. The disappointment was clear on her face when he approached his brother, not her. He didn't cast her a second look. Why? Why? Why!

Calming the storm in her head, she adjusted her place on the chair, watching the Hound interact with his brother. "Remember me?" He asked. The Mountain didn't move or speak only stared at his younger brother

"Yeah, you do. You're even fucking uglier than I am now. What did they do to you? Doesn't matter. It's not how it ends for you brother, you know who's coming for you. You've always known"

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