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𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑆𝑂𝑂𝑁 𝑇𝑂 𝐵𝐸 𝑊𝐸𝐷 couple made ifself waited. This, was maybe the second time Jadeyn needed to step in the Sept of Baelor. First, at her sister wedding, and now at her brother's, she didn't attend Robert's funeral or anything else related to the Sept.

"You look radiant, Your Grace" The Lady Margaery approached her and Cersei, complimenting the Queen and smilinh while acknowledging her younger sister.

Jade gave Margaery the sweetest fake smile she could give at this hour. Her grandmother was watching the second daughter like a hawk since she has entered the Sept.

"Radiant? Why radiant?" asked Cersei

"It's the word that came to mind" The Tyrell continued to smile "Were going to be sisters soon. We should be friends" Margaery whispered, getting a hold of Cersei's arm. Jadeyn jerked away in a rather calm way, not wishing to have contact with the 'smirking whore of Highgarden' as Cersei called her in one fit of angry shouting and insult naming, even tough Margaery didn't plan of also gripping Cersei's sister. Jade quite liked the nickname. It was... fitting.

"You're a musical girl, aren't you?" Cersei mused, while descending the stairs. "I imagine you have a lovely voice"

"A better dancer than a singer, I'm afraid" Margaery admitted

Cersei give one look to her sister in her right, she was much enjoying Jade's silence to Margaery's bullshit. "But you know the song "The Rains of Castamere"

"Of course, they play it so ofter here, at court"

"So you know the story of House Reyne of Castamere?"

"Not as well as you, I'm sure"

"The House Reyne was a powerful family, very wealthy. The second wealthiest in Westeros." Cersei explained as Margaery was flashing smiles at everyone that passed and Jade glared at them. "Aren't the Tyrells the secomd wealthiest family in Westeros now?" What actually Cersei meant to say- Didn't we, Lannisters, made you?

"Of course, ambitious climbers don't want to stop at the secound highest rung. Only if you could take that final step, you'd see further than all the rest. You'd be alone with nothing but the blue sky above you." Cersei informed Margaery and continued the story of House Reyne

"So, Lord Reyne built a castle as grand as Casterly Rock. He gave his wife diamonds larger than any my mother ever wore. And finally one day, he rebelled against my father." Cersei breathed a laugh "Do you know where House Reyne is now?"

"Gone" Answered the Tyrell

"Gone. A gentle word, why not say slaughtered. Every man, woman and child...put to the sword." Cersei paused and licked her lips

"I remember seeing their bodies hanging high above the gates of Casterly Rock. My father let them rot up there all summer. It was a long summer. 'And now the rains weep o'er their halls, and not a sould to hear'" she quotes

Cersei finally stopped walking, properly looking at Lady Margaery "If you ever call me sister again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep" She threatened, turning around to meet Jade's gaze. But Jadeyn was already long gone, as she was now standing in the front lines waiting for Sansa Stark to appear.

Cersei sighs, walking up to the rest of her family. Just as she stops in her father's right the doors open, the Stark girl entering in her golden gown.

She looked more like a scared little child than the dutiful woman she was forced to appear as. That girl could weep all she wants, there were a lot worse men Tywin Lannister could've arranged her with, the youngest Lannister daughter thought.

Unknown by Sansa, Joffrey walked to her side, claiming he's the father of the Realm, as therefore he'll give her to her soon to be husband. Not having much of a choice, the Stark did what she was bid and let Joff walk her to the altar.

The slow walk was torture for Sansa, all those Lords and Ladies staring at her with no shame. She also caught a glimpse of the icy judgement in the eyes of Jadeyn Lannister, who chose to wear dark blue instead of the usual Lannister colors.

She looks better in blue, someone noted in Sansa's mind as she passed by Jade. Years ago, that stare would scare the life out of her, now she felt nothing when their gazes met, only the emotions of getting married to the Imp. She won't hurt me, she cares to little about my existence, and whatever calming thought Sansa had about Jade was close to truth.

Viciously smirking at Tyrion, Joffrey takes the litte stairs the dwarf needed to use to cloak his bride under his protection. Jade rose a brow to Tyrion, reminding that he began staring to much at the King and his family.

"You may now cloak the bride, and bring her under your protection." Sansa turned around, waiting for her future husband to place the Lannister cloak on her shoulders, while Tyrion stared up in disbelief at her back.

"Erm...C-Could you...C..." Tyrion quietly stuttered at Sansa. Understanding, the Lady bends and lets the Imp cloak her.

"Thank you" He muttered, not yet ready to be bound to this girl for the rest of his life.


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