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𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝐺𝑂𝐷𝑆 might have heard her hopes. Her family was slowly dissappearing. Joffrey died, Tyrion got himself arrested. It worked in Jade's favour, but not Jadeyn Lannister's.

Jade was blessed with Joff's death, while Jadeyn Lannister was utterly annoyed by her house's lesser strength.

The keep was quieter than usual. All were in the throne room waiting for her brother's trial to begin, the same place Jade was heading now.

A new pair of steps joined; Cersei walked by her side. Her sister took a deep breath and stared at Jadeyn. The agony in her eyes clear.

"At first I would've thought you were the one who poisoned Joffrey, you hated him, more than Tyrion ever could, hatred is your weapon. But I forgot. It will lessser the strength of our house. The only think you tell yourself to be a human. You and father." she hissed, her jaw clenching

"Yes, I might be a monster. But don't ever think again of comparing me to him." The Jadeyn who told herself that he won't be the cause of her misery anymore was long gone. Today, she was herself, yesterday some other woman and tomorrow she'll be another. And it will go on and on and on until that woman will find herself on her deathbed, with either no regrets or a raging storm of thoughts and foreign voices inside her head.

She kept a faint expression on her face, as her mood mixed with Cersei's grief and anger. The older Lannister daughter wanted him dead, him and his bitch wife for what they've done to her darling boy. And her Jaime wanted to lay down his sword and marry someone their father chose in exchange for that little beast's life. They are all slowly slipping away from her. First her mother, now Joffrey and then Jaime. And they have taken the sweet Mycella too. She was still in that cursed place. Each day she's waking up and hopping, somehow that her daughter came home. Now, Tommen was sitting the Iron Throne, a scared little boy who also misses 'Joffy' dearly.

Jade's voice pulled Cersei out of her own maddening thoughts "Do not fret, sister. I have the beast taken care of"
Cersei did not understand what her sister had planned, but questioned it no further, as the sight of the grand door of the throne room stood before them.

The prisoner was brought soon after they arrived. Tommen rose and gave his grandfather the right to speak in his stead abd retired, like he was told to.

Lord Tywin wasted no time before sitting down the throne. "Tyrion of the House Lannister. You stand accused by the Queen Regent of regicide. Did you kill King Joffrey?"

"No" Tyrion shock his head

"Did your wife, Lady Sansa?"

"Not that I know of"

"How would you say he died then?"

"Chocked on his pigeon pie"

"So you would blame de bakers?"

"Or the pigeons, leave me out of it" It seemed like those days in his cell didn't do enough for Tyrion.

"The crown may call its first witness"

"Once we'd got King Joffrey safely away from the mob, the Imp rounded on him" Ser Meryn Trant declared "He slapped the King across the face and called him a vicious idiot and a fool. It wasn't the first time the Imp threatened Joffrey. Right here in this throne room, he marched up those steps and called our King a halfwit, compared his Grace to the Mad King and suggested he'd meet the same fate. When I spoke in the King's defense, he threatened to have me killed" he explained, turning ti Tyrion

"Oh why don't you tell him what Joffrey was doing?" The Imo snapped

"Silence" His father attempted to shut him up, but it didn't help

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