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𝐷𝐴𝑀𝑁 𝑌𝑂𝑈 Cersei and damn our brother for creating such fool with you, if you're not teaching him in your own motherly way I will in mine, Jadeyn Lannister mumbled to herself as she brust into the Royal apartments.

The boy King jumped at the voice of his enraged aunt demanding the reason of his stupidity.  He said no word as he felt Jade's hand clasp into his golden Lannister locks, getting him on his feet before her.

"I am your King!" Joffrey yelled back in defense, attempting to get that woman off him.

"Watch your tone, boy" Seeing Jadeyn go from shouting like mad to a simple, calm threat terrified Joffrey. But how dare she!? She was his subject, only his mother's sister, a woman, not the King. He was the King, he told himself more than to his aunt once more, such disrespect was not fit, even if only the thought of Jadeyn Lannister would've sent a cold shiver down his spine. "If your dumb mother doesn't discipline you, I will"

"This is treason!" The comment made both of them think of Pycelle "Hound! Take this crazy bitch-" Joffrey's order was cut by a sharp sound echoing in the room. Her nephew mewled in pain, cupping his burning cheek, which slowly starts  to redden. The ache made him reconsider his mistake killing Ned Stark, but it was too late now; his corpse is rotting somewhere and here he is suffering more than the Starks because of his wretched aunt.

When the Hound heard himself being called did not dare to move from his place, aware of the fact that Jadeyn will surely find a way more drastic punishment because he yanked her off the bastard than Joffrey ever could.

Jade brushes the hand who was suppose to soothe the stingness of Joff's cheek, grabbing him by his chin so hard until she couldn't feel the material of the gloves between her and Joffrey's face. "Talk to me like that again and you'll regret it. Bitterly" she swore, withdrawing her hand

Joffrey nodded immediately. Her gaze traveled to the hand for a mere second, feeling the throbbing of her palm powerful.Through that, she understood the reasons of one certain person-it felt good, too good.


Touch // Sandor Clegane Where stories live. Discover now