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𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝐵𝐿𝐴𝐶𝐾 𝐶𝐸𝐿𝐿𝑆 were no place for furs or expensive silks. The one fitting think Jade owned was an old coat, shabby and alike a peasant's.
She had simply got to walk into his brother's cell, the guards recognising the figure of Jadeyn Lannister.

The Imp didn't even rise his head, not caring who just entered to say goodbye or any other bullshit. It stopped the moment she approached him and gave a glimpse of her shoe.

He looked up "How concerning of you." Tyrion spat, his expression torn between sadness and anger
"You planned it, you monster! You and Cersei" The dwarf cursed

She gave him half a smile "Monster? Perhaps you should speak to me more softly, then. Monsters are dangerous. " Jade grimaced
"Her eyes lit up when I only gave her the idea of revenge, not the pouch of riches" She continued
Ger brother wasn't that stupid to think that Shae was forced to do what she did. Influenced, yes, but forced, no.

"What do you want?" His voice broke

What did she want? From him? The only thing she desired and knew she won't wake up one morning and don't want it anymore because that's what her gut says.

"The Rock" She said, her eyes visually filling with scenarios.

In that moment, Tyrion looked around and caught the glimpse of a ill shaped thing shining near him. A rock. Not what Jadeyn wants, but the closest to the greatest castle of Westeros.

He took it and stretched it out in her direction. It was a little, sparkly thing, Jade bend down in a crouching position, the material of her dress actually allowing her legs to open widely in the movement, and she didn't bother closing them, not that the Imp could see to the dress

"What would the Hound say if he sees you here opening your legs to me?" The dwarf still jokes

His sister ignored him, her attention on the rock he was still holding in his hand. Unexpectedly she had put per gloved fingers on it and gripped it so hard Tyrion thought it'll gonna snap. And then she had actually took it abd shoved it in her pocket before storming out.


𝑇𝑂𝐷𝐴𝑌, will be the day that he dies, the Imp noted. The Dornish Prince clearly didn't take this for a serious matter. And Jadeyn will find a way to haunt him even in the seventh hell.

Oh, sweet Jadeyn. When he was just older than a babe and could recall things, he did not remember her as harsh or as she is now. She wasn't like Cersei. But after some time she hated everyone because if some reasons of hers. His oldest sister hated him for what he had supposedly did to their mother, the other one despised him for merely breathing after her flowering age.

His gaze travelled to Jadeyn, who was busy adjusting and glaring at her blackish gloves. She did that often, but she didn't acknowledge thid habit of hers, but Tyrion did.

A grim curve of her lips was proeminent, the only feature that took your eyes.

"In the sight of Gods and men, we gather to ascertain the guilt or innocence of this man, Tyrion Lannister" Pycelle announced
"May the Mother grant them mercy, may the Father give them such justice as they deserve, may the Warrior guide the hand of our champion-" He began praying, but Tywin Lannister wanted to hurry this, so he signed for the Maester to stop and blow the horn that will let the two champions fight.

Oberyn passionately kissed his paramour, as the Mountain drew out his great sword. The Dornishmen impressed the crowd my showing his skills with the spears before fixing his attention on Ser Gregor.

"Have they told you who I am?" The Dornish accent was like an unbearable scratching in Jade's ears.

"Some dead man" The Mountain roared

The Viper of Dorne easily blocked the firsts of the Mountain's blows "I am thr brother of Elia Martell" Oberyn said
"Di you know why I have come all this way to this stinking shit-pile of a city?" he asked, pretty clear that he was already starting to get under the Mountain's skin "For you"

Gregor Clegane was a monster of a man, mostly relying on his strength during fighting, because of it, he wasn't as skilled as the Viper. He was used to brutally killing in battles and murdering helpless people, not being against this kind of men. But there wasn't certainly any kind of man like Oberyn Martell "I'm going to hear you confess before you die"

"You raped my sister, you murdered her, you killed her children, say it now and we can make this quick" Jadeyn could not give to shits about the Dornishmen and their Princess Elia and her children. The Lannister daughter seemed to lack the compassion of a woman.

Gregor lunged at Oberyn, who stopped every movement of his sword. "Say it you raped her, you murdered her, you killed her children" The Mountain groaned and kept sending enraged blows to Oberyn, his breath steady and his anger still in check.

Cersei was fuming next to her, there was no way this Dornish cunt was besting their greatest bannerman. Her sister, on the other hand seemed so taken away by daydreaming about her lover that she missed the part where Oberyn stabbed the Mountain.

The Hound easily sild into her thoughts again, how could he not when his brother was right before her. She held no sympathy for whatever he did to Sandor, yet she could find herself slimy dreading the man.

"You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!" Oberyn shouted

He managed to stab the Mountain again, this time in his calf, taking his balance away.
Gregor fell on the ground as Oberyn rushed at him, piecing him with his spear.

But the Dornishman was more foolish than it looked like." Wait? Are you dying?" He kept circling the Mountain, still demanding justice for Elia.

"Say it!" Oberyn said before being thrown on the ground by the Mountain's last force.

The Mountain got over Oberyn and began pushing his fingers into his sockets "Elia Martell" He rasped under the sound of Oberyn's cracking skull.


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