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𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝐾𝐼𝑆𝑆𝐸𝑆 that trailed along her legs woke Jade up that morning. Lifting her head she sees the Hound-naked as he got to sleep last night and so was she. Jade let out a moan, more for herself than for Sandor.
His lips claimed every part of her limb, from heel to thigh and back again. Heat rose to her cheeks until she felt getting close justy their warmness and the wetness that his mouth left on her burning skin.

Please, the once foreign word left her lips. Jadeyn couldn't find neither like nor hate in saying that word to him, it might be even a command he'll surely obey. He reached forward with the path of pecks and long, bruising smooches. The Clegane's attention fell on her folds, breathing deep the scent of it like he was afraid this might be the last time he will, but it was very far from it.

Much to their displeasure, the thought of the Little Council's meeting that Cersei made her attend-the one today, and the ones after - crossed her mind. Scoffing, she pushes him off and starts to dress, cursing Cersei and her wretched existence.

Sandor stared amused at her mumbling swears and adjusting the gloves that she never took off, not even during their intercourses. She doesn't trust him.

And neither did he. In this... thing they find themselves in there isn't trust, or love-and maybe not even admiration if you asked him. Only lust and desire to satisfy both of their needs.


"𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑅𝐴𝑉𝐸𝑁 arrived from the Citadel this morning, Your Grace" Pycelle announced, watching the bird be presented to all in the chamber. "The conclave has met considered the reports from maesters all over the Seven Kingdom and declared this great summer done at last. The lonest summer in living memory."

"Peasants say a long summer means an even longer winter" Lord Varys states

"A common superstition" The Maester remarked

"We'll have enough wheat for a five-year winter" Petyr Baelish declares "If it lasts any longer...we have fewer peasants"

"The city's drowning in refugees, Your Grace. Fleeing the war. We have nowhere to house them and woth winter coming it'll only get worse" The new commander of the City Watch told the Queen.

Jade shifted in her seat. Food was the last thing she cared about-at least now, when she keeps imagining her new lover's mouth still working on her cunt. If there's wine and his cock between her legs, she'll survive even a hundred-year winter if she needs to.

"You command the City Watch, don't you, Lord Slynt?" Cersei questioned

"I do, Your Grace"

"And are you not a lord at my command?"

"I owe my title and lands to your generosity, Your Grace"

"Then do your job. Shut the gates to the peasants. They belond in the field, not our capital" She points out

"Yes, Your Grace"

Surprising everyone with the sound od his steps and idiotic whistling, Tyrion Lannister steps in the middle of the meeting, as not yet everything was to the youngest Lannister sister's displeasure.
"Don't get up" he jests "More ravishing than ever, big sister" he approaches Cersei and kisses her cheek like he did to Myrcella the day before. "War agrees with you" He says taking the seat at the other head of the table-the closest to his other sister.

"What are you doing here?" Cersei voices the question in every present person's head

"It's been a remarkable journey" he hops on the chair, getting a hold of the jug of wine
"I pissed off the edge of the World. I slept in a sky cell. I fought with the hill tribes. So many adventures, so much to be thankful for"

"What are you doing here?" Cersei barks out "This is the Small Council"

"Yes, well I do believe the Hand of the King is welcome at all Small Council meetings" Jade refused to believe any word coming from her Imp brother's mouth. It just couldn't be true

"Our father is the Hand of the King"

"Yes, but in his absence..." he pulls out a scroll, handing it to Varys

"Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead while he fights"

The Master of Whispers didn't get to finish properly as Cersei rose and slammed her hands against the table "Out, all of you out!" Everyone bowed, quick to do their Queen's bidding.

Jadeyn knew Cersei didn't also mean her with "all of you out", but she left anyway. Cersei looked away for a mere second, aware that Jade did not misunderstood her in any way. It just seemed Jadeyn Lannister wasn't and will never be in the mood for any of them.


Touch // Sandor Clegane حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن