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𝐵𝑅𝑂𝑁𝑁 𝐺𝐸𝑇𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝑂𝑈𝑇 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝐷𝐼𝑅𝑇 from under his nails and his sister loud wine sips annoyed Tyrion to the core.

"Do you have to do that here?" He asks the sellsword, the one closer to him

"I like to keep me hands clean, I'm sure your sister knows a thing or two about that" Bronn turns his head to Jade's gloved fingers wrapped around the goblet

"Yes, but do you have to do it here?" Bronn quited his attempts to clean his nails, but that didn't stop the other Lannister from taking audible gulps.

"And you" Tyrion's head shifts in her direction "Is your throat also dirty are you also keeping it clean?" Jadeyn gave no answer to his question, she still drank.

"Do you at least know how to read if you're here and keep discouraging me on finding a way to win this war?" Tyrion asks his sister again

"Better than Shae" She clicked her tongue, the corners of her mouth rising. It was guess, an intuition, a thought. One proper look at her and you could at least imaginate who she is.

"I'm glad i could to something to make you get that scowl off your face" Tyrion takes a sip of wine himself

"Does she at least know how to do it? It would be a pity that the future wife of the future Lord of Casterly Rock doesn't know how to read. oh, but I have forgotten. If father won't be able to manipulate Jaime into it he will not give it to the likes of you. Which means there's only one option left. Thank you, little brother."
The dwarf cared not of the Rock, but he cared about Shae and her safety. How could she know? Was it that obvious? No, if it was Cersei would've hanged her already and he was certain she didn't get the information from Lord Varys.

Jade was bored, she was bored and angry and did not have one to threaten, as the Hound was away doing his duty to Joffrey. She saw it, she saw him rescuing the Stark girl that day and it was the last straw, she needed to find someone to mock-that's why she's her tormenting him.

"Careful big sister, some saw the Hound coming into your chamber often, daily almost. You ought to be more discreet" He rose a brow, slowly smirking back at Jadeyn

"Discreet? Discreet, you say. I do not need to be discreet, however you..." Jade stopped to take another loud sip. His sister opened her mouth to speak again, but the silence made Tyrion think for a moment that she won't say anything anymore.

She licks her lips."The difference between you and me: I don't fall in love with every person i fuck"

Bronn let out a snort.


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