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𝐴𝐿𝐿 𝑆𝐻𝐸 𝐷𝐼𝐷 those days was to attend those cursed council meetings and think of her former lover.

Sometimes those meetings were quite entertaining, and seeing the High Septon squabble like a small child was entertaining.

"Your Grace, Grand Maester, Lord Tyrell, Lady Jadeyn, uh" He addressed, but didn't kniw whi Qyburn was

"It doesn't matter" the man said

"As the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven, I give voice to the will of the Gods and am their foremost servant in this world. An insult to me is an insult to the Gods. An assault on my person is an assault on our very religion" The High Septon explained

"You were assaulted?" Cersei asked, annoyed to the fact that this seemed a worthy problem of the council

"I was" Answered tge Septon "By those fanatics that call themselves sparrows. They humiliated me, they beat me, they left me bleeding on the cobblestones. I am lucky to be alive" His confession only seemed to make Cersei more interested in these sparrows

"I heard this assault began in Littlefinger's brothel" Qyburn stated

"High Septon, this is a rather shocking thing to hear" Mace Tyrell said aghast

"I tend to both highest born and the lowliest amongst us. Even prostitutes may earn the mercy of the Mother" The High Septon denied the accusations made on his account

"So you were ministering of the needs of these devout prostitutes" Qyburn mused

They were so boring, so little and insignificant to Jadeyn. Little children, each of them mad on each other because they keep stealing each other's toys. She took another great sip of wine, watching the Septon vigorously.

"A man's private affairs ought to stay private" Pycelle felt himself deep in this category of men with private affairs

"What do you want from us, High Septon?" Cersei asked, after comparing the arguments of her councillors

"Justice. I ask that you protect our faith by arresting these criminals and throwing them into the black cells" He demanded "I ask that you execute their leader, this so called High Sparrow. He's a threat to everything we hold sacred. If he goes unpunished-"

"And where do I find this man? This High Sparrow" Cersei cut him, determined to find this man


𝐶𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿 𝑀𝐸𝐸𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺𝑆 today, council meetings tomorrow and council meetings every day of her sorry life until she dies - that was Jade's daily routine. If she attended once more to these buffoonery gatherings she'll end up more miserable than ever.

At least she could find Qyburn the most enjoyable of them all, well, not enjoyable, but tolerated. Mace Tyrell and every word he thought out loud were bullshit, but she would rather hear the Tyrell talking than Pycelle, and there was Cersei, who simply annoyed her over the fact that she was Cersei and she made her get up from the bed every morning and listen to stupid problems like the High Septon's. Jadeyn could not believe her sister had actually considered it.

Days have passed and the only thing she did was to stare out at the window with a blanc space in her mind and find herself slowly rotting in this shit city. And when she realised that Cersei got the idea and will bother her no more, she locked herself in her bedchamber and only let people in to bring her food. Or wine, lots and lots of Arbor Red.


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