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𝐽𝑂𝐹𝐹𝑅𝐸𝑌 𝐶𝑂𝑈𝐿𝐷 𝑁𝑂𝑇 find his mother and was in need of advice. Somehow, he found the strength to knock on his aunt Jade door.
"What?" She opens the door, snapping the moment his fist made contact with the wood.

"May I?" He asked her for permission to enter her bedchamber

She scoffs, allowing the boy to come. The Hound closes the door after his master and stood near it. Joff analysed her room, his nostrils flaring at every disturbing thing he found different from their home.

"I wanted to know what you think of the Stark girl. Mother says I'm to marry her"

"And where your mother at?" Jade's snapping tone pulled Joffrey out of some thoughts

"I...Why do you think I'm here? I can't find her" The boy stuck his nose in tge air in a pompous manner he surely got from his mother, Jadeyn recalled the young Cersei that was always walking with her nose up like the air at a higher level was better.

"She's dumb" She pours wine in a goblet, finally replying to his question "and naive, but pretty. Want anything else for your honest aunt?" Jadeyn took a sip of the crimson liquid. As usual, she wasn't in the mood for her sister's eldest, or someone at all, just like the Hound that was asigned to follow Joff everywhere.

It was just a mere second when his aunt's eyes met his dog's. Sandor's face was unreadable, Jade pursed her lips, neither of them showing the actual effect the eye contact had upon both. She tears her glance from her nephew and the Clegane and began playing with the cuff of her glove.

The Prince understood that his presence is unwanted by his aunt Jade and was quickly to take his leave, leaving the woman to empty the jug at peace


𝐽𝐴𝐷𝐸 𝐶𝑂𝑈𝐿𝐷 𝑁𝑂𝑇 take Joffrey's bullshit anymore. Good thing the wolf was dead, because she would find it extremely hard not to choke it for making her listen to Joff's cries.

"Please. It's nearly healed" Cersei tried to get her son to sit still while putting slave on his wound.

"It's ugly" Joffrey notes

"Every King should have scars" His mother attempts to calm him "You fought off a direwolf. You're a warrior like your father"

'Like your father', the statement left an uneasy feeling in Jadeyn, oh what a warrior father he has, stabbing old men in their backs.

"I'm not like him. I didn't fight off anything. It bit me and all I did was scream. And the two Stark girls saw it, both of them" Jade was at least glad he admitted

"That's not true" Cersei begins to boost his ego "You killed the beast. You only speared the girl for the love your father bears her father"

"I didn't-"

"When Aerys Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne, your father was a rebel and a traitor. Someday, you'll sit on the throne and the truth will be what you make it" Cersei doesn't quit her action

"Do I have to marry her?" Joffrey questions

"Yes. She's very beautiful and young. And if you don't like her, you only need to see her on formal occasions and when the time comes, make little princes and pricesses." The son scoffs at his mother "And if you rather fuck painted whores, you'll fuck painted whores. And if you'll rather lie with noble virgins, so be it" The Queen continued "You are my darling boy and the world will be exactly as you want it to be" Cersei grabs Joff's chin. The whole thing made Jade bite her tongue, not to show her disgust.

Why won't you teach him to treat his wife like you would want your husband to treat you? The question flew into Jadeyn's mind. But one thing she knew: Cersei is awful at parenting.

"Do something nice for the Stark girl"

"I don't want to" The Prince argues

"No, but you will. The occasional kindness will spare you any sorts of trouble down the road" She explains
The Queen's sister still does not move from the divan on Cersei's bedchamber, only watches her sister and nephew, occasionally taking a sip of the Arbor Red.

Joffrey rises from his seat "We allow the Northerners too much power" he states "They consider themselves our equals"

"How would you handle them" His mother asks

"I'd double their taxes. And command them to supply ten thousand men to the royal army"

"A royal army?"

"Why should any lord command his own men? It's primitive, almost like the hill tirbes. We should have a royal army of men loyal to the crown. Trained by experienced soldiers instead of a mob of peasants who've nevee held pikes in their lives" Joffrey's answer sounded tempting, almost right and powerful, but the Northerners are wild and cannot be controlled

"And if the Northerners rebel?" Cersei voices the exact question Jadeyn had in mind

"I'd crush them. Seize Winterfell and instal someone loyal to the realm as Warden of the North. Uncle Kevan, maybe" The North will never bend to a Lannister, Jade thought

"And these ten thousand Northern troops, would they fight for you, or their lord?" The youger Lannister sister adjusts the now, thinner material of her gloves.

"For me, I'm their King"

"But you've just invaded their homeland, asked them to killed their brothers" Cersei reasons

"I'm not asking"

"The North cannot be held. Not by an outsider. It's too big and too wild. And when the Winter comes, the seven gods together couldn't save you and your royal army. A good King knows when to save his strength and when to destroy his enemies" Cersei rises to be at the same level with her son

"So you agree...The Starks are enemies"

"Everyone who isn't us...is an enemy" The response was familiar to Jade, it was not the first time she heard it from Cersei or even from her Lord Father.

Joffrey soon left, leaving the Lannister sisters alone. Jadeyn finally stood up to met her sister's gaze. "If you keep telling him that shit, by the time Robert dies he'll drag the Lannister name through dust from that damned throne"

Her older sister approached her, slowly attempting to brush her hair behind her ear and most likely whisper something sweet in her sister's ear, however, Jadeyn did not let her, almost jumping from Cersei, nearly shouting at her sister not to touch her. A moment before, Cersei had forgotten her boundaries; she ignored the strange feeling and aligned next to her brooding sister and stared in the same direction as her.

'You move your lips and your father's voice comes out', Robert had once told her, but it wasn't her who portrayed her father, but Jadeyn, the young Jadeyn she grew up envying because her father spent more time with, the Jadeyn that was now Tywin Lannister whole.


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