Chapter 36: As it Was

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Four Months Later

The brain games came and went. The awards ceremony finished, the winners properly reimbursed. (Y/N) hadn't heard from the brain games officials since the day she had barged out of the ceremony. But she paid it no mind—after all, her life was going better than it had before. She and Hange were in a committed relationship now, and the thought of being referred to as Hange's girlfriends still sent shivers down her spine. And not to mention how Dr. Shadis had been fuming mad at the brain game's committee for disqualifying both her and Hange over a life or death situation. He had been trying to get (Y/N)'s idea more well known, and had submitted her proposal to various labs across the country.

She was happy. Everything was going fine.

Well, except for one thing.

"Are you sure you have to go?" (Y/N) frowned slightly, watching as Hange packed up the suitcase before them. Their leg still had the cast on, but it was easier for them to move around. Since the exchange student period was ending, Hange was expected to return to Sina to complete their final year.

Needless to say, (Y/N) didn't want them to leave.

"I'll stay if you tell me to," Hange smiled cheekily at her, knowing full well that (Y/N) would never stop them from completing their degree. "Say the word, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) leaned against the doorframe to Hange's room in their apartment and surveyed the empty space around her. She felt a tug from deep within her, a sorrow at having to let go of her soulmate after just rekindling her relationship with them.

"C'mere," Hange spread out an arm, beckoning her to come close. (Y/N) reluctantly crossed the threshold and let herself be held by Hange. "I promise you, this isn't like last time. We're just going to be long distance for a while—and there's always face time and text. Sina isn't even that far away, so I can just take a train ride here. We'll work out," Hange promised softly.

(Y/N) nodded. She believed that too. She knew that they could work out—she was deadest on making sure it happened. But, having Hange so far away from her...she had gotten used to the cuddles and their soft touch. How was she going to live without it now?

"Well," (Y/N) swallowed back the wave of sadness she felt. "You're right. It's not the end of the world. We'll be okay."

Hange nodded enthusiastically.

"Do you have everything you need?" (Y/N) motioned towards the open suitcase. Hange was leaving day after tomorrow, and most of their items had been packed away once the semester ended. Graduation was in two weeks for (Y/N) and she had decided to take the next year off to explore her options. She'd been chasing after academia for too far long and it was time to discover who she was.

"Hmmm," Hange tilted their head, their eyes sparkling. "All but one thing."

"And what would that be?"

Hange's hands slid down her arms and settling on her waist, pulling her in closer by the loops of her pants. "A date with you, love."

(Y/N) blinked, surprised. "A date?"

"Mhm. Have you noticed that we haven't gone on a proper date since we've gotten together?" Hange used. "I would like to take you out once before I leave."

"Oh," (Y/N) smiled softly. "Aren't you going to ask me properly," she teased.

Hange chuckled. "Of course. (Y/N), would you like to go on a date with me?"

(Y/N) nodded, grinning. "I would love to."

It didn't take long for Hange to quickly finish up before ushering her out their room and to the location of their date. (Y/N) wasn't sure how Hange had managed to find a place like this, but they had ended up taking her to a diner that was just like the one they used to go to as kids. The old-timey feel, and even the five pages long menu was just like the one they used to go to.

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