Chapter 14: New Enemies

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"So, all we have to do is come up with a science project?" (Y/N) asked skeptically, scanning the website Hange had pulled up on their laptop. "And we can work together for it? And if we win the regionals, I get the scholarship and gaslight Sina into accepting me again?"

Hange chuckled, adjusting their glasses as they looked up at her. "Kind of. We work together, make an amazing project, and then force our ways to the regionals. There, we rely on your amazing braincells to get the first prize and then Sina will see that you want to use their scholarship on them, and they'll accept."

"Okay..." (Y/N) eyed the site warily. "And what kind of project do we have to make? When's the deadline? How—"

"Shh!" Hange interrupted. "Right now, we only focus on step one—coming up with an amazing science fair project. What do you think we should do?"

" creativity has left me," (Y/N) sighed. It was true. After her rejection, she had been feeling hopeless. She used to be full of passion and drive, seeking out the answers to the many questions that would occasionally pop into her brain. But what was all that for? Why did she try so hard when it didn't lead to anything?

"(Y/N)," Hange said softly. They gripped the edge of her swivel seat and whirled her around to face them. "I believe in you. I know you've stopped believing in yourself, and it really hurts to see that. You're so passionate and intelligent—why can't you see that?"

(Y/N) blinked. ", Hange...I don't think I have it in me—"

"Nonsense!" Hange said firmly. "Enough with this negative talk. C'mon, just think of something. Anything. It doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't even have to be good. That's what rough drafts are for."

(Y/N) let out a slow sigh. She closed her eyes, trying to conjure up some sort of brilliant project that could potentially wow the strict judges. What was she interested in? What did she want to learn more about? What was something smart? Think, brain, think! Don't be useless.

"How about...plant growth?" (Y/N) finally spoke, cringing slightly. That idea sounded pathetic. Why on earth would anyone care about plant growth? She was an idiot for not thinking up something clever.

"Ooh," Hange hummed. "We could do something about increasing plant growth? Oh, oh! We can create a fertilizer that accelerates the speed at which plants grow while simultaneously ensuring that the resulting product is high quality, while also keeping nasty chemicals out of the creation!"

"Interesting," (Y/N) nodded slowly. "Yeah. We could do that. But how would we—"

"We think. And we plan. And we go to the drawing board," Hange's eyes glinted as they stood, walking over to a huge whiteboard they had in their room. They grabbed a marker and threw her one too. "Come, (Y/N). Let's plan together."

"I wish I could have come," the faint sound of Sasha's whine carried over through the phone, and (Y/N) smiled a little. The scavenger hunt was in five days. Only five days. The time had just flown by. A week ago, she had received an email with an invite, encouraging her to come to the pre-scavenger hunt banquet that the Brain Games company was holding. Apparently, only the participant could come. Their team was not allowed.

Pieck had been slightly disappointed. She had expressed wanting to dress up and eat fancy food, but since she was just (Y/N)'s teammate, she couldn't come. (Y/N) had debated if she even wanted to go. Going by herself was...intimidating. There were hundreds of participants. She got lost easily. And the banquet would be televised. It was all a little too much for her to handle alone. But it was alright. It was okay. She could do it. What was the worst that could happen?

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