Chapter 26: Sweet Revenge

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(Y/N) stared at her phone screen, in awe of the contact that she had just pulled up. Hange Zoe. They had given her their number a few days ago, in preparation for their revenge plan at the meet and greet today. Just a few months ago, (Y/N) would have never imagined that she would be reaching out to contact Hange Zoe. That she would have their number. She tightened her grip on the device and sent her first text.

(Y/N): I'm at the restaurant.

Hange: Great, I just entered the building. Got eyes on Floch?

(Y/N) looked up and searched for the familiar redhead that she loathed. Once she spotted him, she sent a confirmation text to Hange.

The meet and greet was being hosted in an extremely spacious restaurant, and the participants were lingering near the buffet tables, awaiting the presence of the last year's participants. Besides (Y/N), Yelena stood out in her two piece maroon suit. For some reason, Yelena had offered to join and (Y/N) hadn't been able to figure out an excuse to say no.

"Alright, time to live stream," (Y/N) exhaled shakily. She pulled up her social media and sent out a message stating that she would be going live in a minute.

"This will be amusing to watch," Yelena tipped back the dark liquid in her champagne flute. (Y/N) had ended up telling her about Hange's plan, and while Yelena didn't show any sign of reporting the two of them for sabotage, she also was skeptical about the plan working at all.

"I hope this works," (Y/N) muttered. She pushed the button to start streaming. After she breezed through her introduction, letting her growing audience know that she was currently at the meet and greet for the brain games, she notified them of how she would essentially be going silent. "I want this footage to be raw, and a truly immersive experience. So, instead of talking to you all, I will be going about the meet and greet like I usually would. At the end, I'll try answering any questions you all have, but until then, I hope you enjoy this event as much as I do."

(Y/N) briefly glanced over the incoming comments before slipping her phone into her blazer pocket in a way that the camera stook out, allowing her audience to view the event, but also in a way that didn't look too suspicious.

"Shall we go mingle?" (Y/N) motioned meaningfully to where Floch was standing with his crew. Yelena nodded and followed as (Y/N) walked through the crowd, close to where Floch was talking extravagantly about his latest encounter with some world renowned scientist.

"I'll be the head of Paradis & Co. labs in no time," he leered.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. His pompous talk about himself really got boring fast. Floch noticed her standing towards the edge of the crowd and his expression soured. "Well, well, if it isn't for our resident manipulator."

"Manipulator?" (Y/N) raised a brow. "That's a new one. Do tell, who did I manipulate?"

(Y/N) wiped her palms against her pants, trying to feign that she was not nervous at all. Hange's last status update had been that they had entered the building. It shouldn't take too long before they would be able to mess with the samples. In fact, (Y/N) was sure that they would be able to make it back within the next hour if they would be able to find an Uber at this time. Either way. She had to make sure that Floch didn't leave the building and she had to somehow get him to admit that he had spread baseless rumors.

"The last man that you had slept with," Floch jeered. "Who was it this time? The university dean, perhaps."

(Y/N)'s fingers curled into fists. The people around them began to murmur and nudge each other. She inhaled slowly. "Where do you even get your information from, Floch? You've been spouting nonsense since I met you."

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