Chapter 11: The Decision

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For days, (Y/N) had been glued to her phone. Every vibration, every notification, every single time it buzzed...she felt an immense wave of anxiety. Would today be the day her fate would be decided? Perhaps she was being a little dramatic by putting her fate in a rejection or acceptance letter from her top university, but that was what it felt like to her. Hange was more nervous about her decision rather than their own. They didn't even check their email often.

On that cold afternoon in February, the two were bundled up underneath (Y/N)'s quilt, watching some historic film Hange had spoken highly about. Of course, (Y/N)'s attention was mostly on the silent phone besides her. Hange's glasses reflected the screen as they eagerly watched, occasionally chiming in with a fun fact. The warmth from their mugs of cocoa brought some comfort to her at least, giving her a brief moment of peace before the worry would begin again.

"Relax already," Hange nudged her with their shoulder. "I can practically feel the waves of anxiety emanating off of you. This was supposed to be a fun movie night!"

"And I am having fun!" (Y/N) insisted. "It's just I can't fully relax until the decision gets stated. The anticipation is killing me, Hange!"

Hange laughed.

"You think me being tortured is funny?"

"No, I just find your enthusiasm cute," Hange admitted. "It's okay, being nervous is part of growing up!"

"If I had wanted to hear cheesy remarks, I would have suggested a Hallmark movie," (Y/N) swatted Hange lightly. "In all seriousness though, I don't think I have enough backup plans set--"

"Shh," Hange placed their finger on (Y/N)'s lips, forcing her to be quiet. "You're making my relaxing movie night stressful! I get enough of the future lectures at school."

(Y/N) opened her mouth to retort but the distinct buzz of a phone receiving a notification caught her attention. She reached for her phone, eagerly looking at the screen. It was blank. For a moment, she was confused until she realized it had been Hange's phone that had vibrated. She stared expectantly at them.

"What?" Hange blinked.

"Aren't you going to check your phone? It could be an email from Sina University!" (Y/N) urged.

Hange snorted. "The likelihood of me getting an email from them is zero to none."

"Check it!" (Y/N) ordered.

Hange let out a slow sigh but reached for their phone, the brightness from the screen illuminating their face. For a brief second, their breath caught as they skimmed over the subject line of the email they had received. (Y/N) felt her emotions mirror their own and she leaned over the edge of the seat, her heart thrumming in her chest. She wanted to ask if Hange had received an email from Sina, yet the words were caught in her throat. She wanted to know, but she also did not.

"Hange?" She breathed, slightly scared.

" in," Hange said, sounding a bit dumbfounded. "I got the acceptance email from Sina."

(Y/N)'s eyes grew wide, and she leaned over to read the screen. Hange was right. They had gotten into SIna University. Their dream university. The best university for their passions. Hange's dream had come true.

"Hange," (Y/N) said quietly first, still unbelieving the sight before her. Well, it wasn't too hard to believe. Hange was brilliant. Of course, they would have gotten in. Her voice rose with excitement and joy for her friend, her arms going around their shoulders. "Hange, you got in!"

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