Chapter 16: The Scavenger Hunt

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(Y/N) heard them before she even saw them. The window to her room was cracked open, allowing the chilly breeze to filter in. At first, she heard the sound of someone running up the sidewalk to her house, followed by the joyous shot of Hange calling her name. (Y/N) stood, closing her laptop—where she had spent hours combing through articles. Hange stood underneath her window, waving their arms over their head, calling to her to let them in. It was nearly ten am. From where did they get this much energy? But she smiled anyway, her day getting better just by seeing them.

(Y/N) exited her room, heading down the stairs to open the room to her house. Mere seconds later, Hange burst in, their eyes alight with passion. "(Y/N)! (Y/N), I figured it out! I figured it out!"

"Figured what out?" (Y/N) blinked, a little startled by their random outburst.

"The perfect formula to use for our project!" Hange beamed. "I was messing around last week and coincidentally figured out how to make the best fertilizer ever! We've been looking at this whole thing wrong. Let me in and I can draw up the formula for you!"

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, and she nodded, letting them in the house. Immediately, Hange pulled out their notebook, flipping it open to show (Y/N) their findings. As she read their scribbles, she realized they were correct. She had completely glossed over an important element that could make the fertilizer a game changer. Hange had figured it out.

"We're going to win!" Hange seized her hands, squeezing them tight. "You're going to get in. My idea is going to win, I know it!"


And they had been right. Their adjustments and tweaks to the project led to the success in their school wide science fair. They were going to move on to the next round. (Y/N) should have been excited. Well, she was, but she should have been more. She should have been proud, happier than ever. But every time she remembered the way Hange had referred to their project as their idea...she felt a twinge of jealousy. Hange was saving her. It was all Hange's work. What was the point of it all if she wasn't getting in based on her own intelligence?

No. She pushed those feelings aside. She was being ungrateful. Here Hange was, helping her out despite not needing too. She should do something to show her gratitude.

"You've been staring at me for the past three minutes," Hange nudged her foot gently with their own. They were sitting across her in the booth of the diner they were eating at. "Is there something on my face?"

"Huh? Oh, no," (Y/N) smiled, shaking her head.

"Then what?" Hange tilted their head, studying her. "You've been spacing out. You don't have a crush on someone, do you?"

(Y/N) opened her mouth, then closed it, startled. "What? No!"

Hange's shoulders relaxed a little. "Then what is it? Your silence is killing me! Tell me your thoughts."

(Y/N) flushed a little and she stared down at her hands. "I was...just thinking of a way to thank you."

"Thank me?" Hange appeared puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"You've helped me so much with this project. You spend your own free time researching for me. You've worked so hard...all for me. And I am extremely grateful to you," (Y/N) said quietly. "I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you, quite literally. You keep me sane, Hange. I'm so lucky I met you when we were kids."

Hange stared at her, wide eyed. It was (Y/N)'s turn to feel perturbed. Had she said something wrong? Maybe she had been too sappy all at once. She had blurted out half of her heart's contents when Hange had simply asked what she had been thinking about. She had definitely said too—

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