Chapter 19: Priorities

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At the sound of the bell, (Y/N) took her time sliding her notebooks and pencil case into her backpack. She was supposed to meet Hange near the benches after dismissal. It was the first time in her life that she didn't really want to spend time with them. Not because of them...but because she was feeling guilty. A week had passed by since she had submitted the project under her name, and Hange still didn't have a clue. They were continuing to work on the project, refining the details, the excitement clearly visible in their eyes. (Y/N) didn't want to tell them the truth. She didn't want to tell them that they weren't really a participant anymore. That she had technically stolen their brain child. She knew what she did was wrong.

But she had to escape. If she stayed another year in that house...with her father...(Y/N) would go insane. She needed at least one victory. One reason to win her father's appreciation and validation. She didn't want to feel like a failure. 18 years was enough. No more.

(Y/N) walked out into the hallway, getting shoved by people who eagerly ran towards the exit. She walked slower than usual, admiring the cracks along the walls, the posters and flyers that begged students to join the prom council. Prom. She had totally forgot about that.


She paused, turning to see her physics teacher walking up the hallway, a huge grin on his face. "(Y/N)! I wanted to congratulate you in person for reaching the regionals for the science fair!"

(Y/N) forced a smile. "Thanks, Mr. Wilson!"

"I looked over your project and its proposal, and wow the idea is great! If you perfect this, this is also something that could be marketable! I think you might even be able to win regionals."

"Really?" (Y/N) felt a flutter of hope in her heart. She needed to win. That was all she wanted.

"Yes! This project surpasses the level we expect from high schoolers," Mr. Wilson grinned. "I had always known you were a bright student. Oh, Hange was also part of this project in the beginning—right? How are they feeling about you moving forward without them?"

"Uh..." (Y/N) swallowed. "They're feeling great! They were the one who suggested I submit the project under my name instead of theirs."

"It's a shame that only one person can move on to regionals," Mr. Wilson sighed. "Hange is also a very bright student. Did they assist the idea or was it your own brainchild?"

" own," the lies were coming out smoothly. (Y/N) almost didn't recognize herself.

Was what she was doing really worth it?

Did she really want to lie to her best friend, perhaps the only person in the whole work who genuinely cared about her, to win a stupid contest?

Why was she lying?

Why was she doing this? A strong wave of guilt and regret washed over her. This wasn't her project. This wasn't her work. She was stealing.

"Mr. Wilson," (Y/N) croaked, taking a few steps backward. "I should probably go now...I have to get home."

She was going to tell Hange today. She was going to tell them immediately. She couldn't keep this up anymore.


(Y/N) whirled around, not bothering to stick around to hear the rest of what Mr. Wilson had to say. She needed to find Hange. Who...who was standing right in front of her. (Y/N)'s sneakers squeaked as she came to a halt, facing her best friend. Hange had been standing in the hallway.

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