Chapter 25: Surprising Alliances

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There used to be a time where Hange and (Y/N) were inseparable. People referred to them as partners in crime, as halves of a whole. As soulmates. There was a time when neither of them had thought of the possibility of not venturing into their adult lives together. All of the future plans that they had made included being together. Always, the two of them against the world.

But it wouldn't be like that any longer.

After the science fair, and the confrontation, the only emotions that existed between the two were anger, jealousy, despair, sorrow, and regret. (Y/N) hadn't been able to come to her senses, to accept Hange's win and their admission. Her jealousy dictated her every action, seeping deep into her bones and making her a brittle version of what she once was. Sina was no longer an option for her. So she settled on a lesser known college. The dark hole that she had fallen into would swallow her and consumer her whole—that is, until she would meet her future roommates.

On the other hand, Hange was full of irritation and anger at (Y/N)'s hurtful words, along with the decision she had made when she had stolen their work without talking it through with them. In their eyes, they had been nothing but a pawn to (Y/N). For her, the only thing that had ever mattered was her admission to Sina, and she would have been willing to sacrifice Hange if that is what it had taken. Despite the lingering feelings Hange used to harbor in their heart for (Y/N), they decided the best thing was to move forward with their life. Why should they stick to someone who didn't want them? Why should they give their all to someone who thought they were disposable? They were smart. They had dreams. And they would go to Sina. Even if they had to go alone.

And that was how (Y/N) and Hange graduated high school—as strangers that once could have been more. All torn apart into shreds. From graduation day, the two of them never saw each other again. Each a buried memory in the other's brain.

That is, until the Brain Games.

The week that followed the jeopardy tournament had been a blissful one. (Y/N) had made it more than halfway through the games. Now, all she needed was for her project to carry her towards the end. She could do it. The smallest glimmer of hope fluttered in her heart and she could feel herself experiencing more excitement than dread. Even the horrible rumors that still lingered online didn't get her down.

Yelena and Pieck had been given two weeks off from working in the lab. Technically, they didn't have to come in at all anymore. They had done their part, and (Y/N) was responsible for the rest. Yet, Pieck had still insisted that she wanted to help. It was sweet of her. (Y/N)'s brain flashed back to the night—

No. She couldn't think about that. Not yet. She still had her samples to finalize. And her grad school applications. And upcoming finals. See? She had no time for dating.

The university hallways were much quieter earlier on in the mornings. Without the usual hustle and bustle of students trying to get to their classes, the hallway was practically eerie. (Y/N) was heading to the lab to finalize her samples. Her early start had been helped—she didn't have much to do before the research symposium in four weeks. After finalizing the samples, she'd create the final prototype and create her poster, and type up the report. Easy work.

As (Y/N) approached the lab, she was met by an unfamiliar sight. Hange stood near the doorway, leaning against the wall with their arms crossed. Their head was bent, their eyes closed. (Y/N) paused, blinking in surprise at Hange. It was clearly her time slot to use the lab, why was Hange there? She stood for a minute, observing the way they breathed slowly, wisps of their hair escaping their messy ponytail.

"Hange?" She finally questioned.

Hange's eyes flew open, and they straightened immediately when they saw her. "(Y/N). You're here."

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