"I do gymnastics, in the gym over there. I just came to see why there were so many big people. My name is Eggsy," he told her, sticking his hand out for her to shake (like he'd seen the big people do).

The little girl only looked at him curiously. "That's an odd name..." she scrunched her nose up in distaste, but still grabbed his hand and dragged him along to wherever she fancied going, thoughts of worrying about her mother completely vanished from her mind. "Anyway, Omelette, my name is Faith."

Eggsy's face contorted into a frustrated and indignant expression. "Omelette? Omelette? I said my name was EGGSY!" he exclaimed, only to be completely ignored by the young girl still grasping his hand. He mumbled angrily, "Fine then, Tutu, call me whatever you like!"


Faith suddenly broke away from their embrace, the happy expression melting off her face. With a powerful strike that would make her red-haired spy mentor proud, she punched Eggsy in the face, sending him flying back against the wall.

"I always knew you were thick, Eggsy, but not to the extent of this!" she exclaimed, fury in her voice. "I always wondered what you would be like when I came back from America, but never did I suspect you would go completely crazy! What possessed you to do something like this? How could you agree with this lunatic who calls himself the saviour of the Earth? How could you?"

Every single time she paused to take a breath during her speech, he tried to speak, but she would keep talking and drown out his words with her own. As she spoke, she inched closer to him, until she was standing at the perfect distance to give another spectacular punch, but she was stopped from this by his sudden exclamation.

"OI! Will you stop talking and listen just one second? No, you don't even have to listen, just watch!" Eggsy nearly screamed. Once she complied, by shutting her mouth, he turned around to show her the back of his head. She glanced behing his ear to see his hated scar. Hated scar that was non-existent.


Eggsy turned back around to face her. "We good?"

She stared at him a second, but quickly composed herself. "Psssh, of course we're good! But you have still got a lot of explaining to do!"

"As do you," he answered, massaging his cheek that was turning a fantastic shade of blue by the second.

However, they had little time. Eggsy said that he worked for a top-secret English spy organisation, and that he was here to stop Valentine. Faith had the same goal, but she was here on behalf of a top-secret American spy organisation. Eggsy had only joined only recently, whereas Faith had been training for four years.

"But," Eggsy interrupted, "I remember, four years ago, you were all anyone ever talked about. 'The Faith of the English', prodigy child ballerina. You were touring the world, giving concerts, I was so proud to know you. Then it all stopped. Why?"

"Look, Eggsy, we haven't got time for this, we have to-"

"Tell me, Faith. Please tell me. I'm your friend."

She glanced up at him before sighing. "We were in America, four years ago, and I was so excited to be dancing there. It was opening night, in New York city, and while I was performing, my parents were backstage. When the show was over, I was so happy, everything went perfectly, and then I found them. On the floor, both of them, blood pooled around their heads like some sort of sick, twisted halo. Dead." She stopped for a second before continuing. "The tour was canceled, and I had no idea what to do. Then I was found, by these people in suits, and they asked me to join them. I did. And that's that."

A few lovely fandom imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon