Jimin smiled at him. He understood Mr. Jeon didn't want to appear bad in front of Jungkook. He calmly walked to the kitchen without a word. Curiously Mr.Jeon followed him. He saw Jimin burning that cheque on the cooking stove.

"Are you insane?" He almost screamed... "What are you doing?"

"A piece of paper can't decide how costly my love is! If you give me your whole assets, even if you sell yourself it won't be enough to buy my love." Jimin said... a spark was in his eyes while he was speaking... "I love him not because of his money. If it was for money then by now you would be wandering for one-time food."

Mr. Jeon's face was red. It looked like he was about to explode in anger.

"You may leave now before I spit out everything to Jungkook. You know he how easily he believes me."

"Park Jimin!" He uttered his name, gritting his teeth and left the kitchen, conveying furious eyes.

Jimin took a long breath. His whole body grew weak. He sat on the chair.

Meanwhile, Jungkook came while rubbing his wet hair, bringing him out of his thinkings.

"Where is Appa?"

"H-he left."

"I asked him to wait."

"He said he had an important meeting to attend." He lied. He pulled a chair and said... "Sit here! Let's do breakfast."

"Okay! But didn't I say, I would prepare breakfast this morning? Why didn't you wake me up?" He sat opposite to Jimin while complaining...

"I did wake you up but you were glued to the bed."

"Ah! Is that so? Sorry hyung!" He had a bite on his food. "Hyung!"


"I have something to ask you?" Jungkook said... Ever since he saw Jimin surfing, he has been thinking of paying all the debts Jimin's father had so that he could join university and fulfill his dream of becoming a surfer. But knowing Jimin, he will refuse it. He is a person with dignity.

He thought if Jimin could take money from him as a debt, then probably he would accept it. But he doesn't know how to take out this topic. What if he dislikes the idea? Because the money he thought of helping with is his father's money. He was nervous.

"Do want to ask about the celebration your father asked for?" Jimin assumed that because he was taking to long to speak.

"Uh! Um... yeah!"

"We can go and face it together right?! I will try to get off my work early today."



"Is it mandatory to wear a suit?" Jimin asked... He didn't have a suit. Jungkook gave him his which he thinks is large. "Isn't it___"

"Stop complaining! You are looking good."

"If you say then I'm gonna believe it. I think the mirror is lying." He whispered the last sentence. "Let's go then!"

Mr. Jeon sent them a car which was waiting outside their apartment. They got inside the car while holding their hands.

"Are you nervous?" Jungkook asked, feeling the sweat in his hand.

"Hum! Hazel's father is a politician. That's why I am a bit____"

"Don't worry too much! Let's face the output." Jungkook pecked his hand, though he was disturbed from inside. But this is how they become each other's strength wherever one feels low.

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