Becoming a Human (Optimus x Mermaid/Merman Reader)

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(I'm gonna bring Ursula,Sebastian,Flounder, and Scuttle into this, but the Scuttle from the Live Action Little Mermaid)

After Y/N had save Optimus, her/his father had found out and got so angry, that he destroyed all the things inside her/his grotto. It really had Upset Y/N, but then, her/his aunt aka the sea witch had offered her/him help

Ursula: "Come in,Come in Child, we mustn't lurk in passageways, it's rude. I honestly know how your feeling right now,Believe me. Daddy's been so unfair to both of us,controlling everything we say and do. In a way, we're the same you and I"

Y/N: "You Don't seem at all like Father described You"

Ursula: "Is that right? Well, we never did get along.Squidling rivalry. He always get what he wanted, and what did I get? Nothing. But I know what your going through, believe me and I know why your here"

Y/N: "Not sure I do"

Ursula: "Oh please,I've been watching you for a long time now dearie, and what you want is to be p there in the above world. I honestly can't bare to see you suffer like this. As I matter of fact I can help you"

Y/N: "How"

Ursula: "The problem is simple. The only way to get what you want, is to become a human yourself"

Y/N: "Become Human...Is that even possible"

Ursula: "Oh my darling,It's what I do. It's what I live for"

Song: "Poor Unfortunate souls" by Melissa McCarthy


I admit that in the past I've been a nasty
They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Repented, seen the light, and made a switch
True? Yes

And I fortunately know a little magic
It's a talent that I always have possessed
And here lately, please don't laugh
I use it on behalf
Of the miserable, lonely, and depressed, pathetic

Poor unfortunate souls
In pain, in need
This one longing to be thinner
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed

Those poor unfortunate souls
So sad, so true
They come flocking to my cauldron
Crying, "Spells, Ursula, please!"
And I help them
Yes, I do

Now, it's happened once or twice
Someone couldn't pay the price
And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals

Yes, I've had the odd complaint
But on the whole, I've been a saint
To those poor unfortunate souls

Flounder and Sebastian entered the lair, seeing Y/N with Ursula

Flounder: "The sea witch"

Sebastian: "Shh"


So here's the deal
I'll whip up a little potion to make you human for three days
Got that? Three days
Before the sun sets on the third day
You and Primey must share a kiss

And not just any kiss
The kiss of true love
If you do, you will remain human permanently
But if you don't, you'll turn back into a mermaid
And you belong to me

Transformers One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora