Meeting Him (Ratchet x Female OC)

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Clara has started closing the shop she was in because she is the owner of her own shop. Her dream is to become a Fashion Designer, so she given the dream to open her own shop and make her dream come true. She has never been so happy.

As she was getting inside her car, she decided maybe she should go to the park to just Star gaze at the stars. She actually quite enjoys looking at the stars, especially when they are beautiful and bright. So she decided to drive down to the park to look at the stars.

After she parks her car, she gets out her car and starts walking to a grassy hill to lay down on and look at the stars, but at the same time, she decides to sing a little song.

Song: A Million Dreams (Reprise) from the Greates Showman


Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

After she stops singing, she starts to feel the ground rumble, which makes he sit up from the ground, to find herself seeing what appears to be a giant robot walking in her direction, which makes her nervous to not be seen.

She then decided to go invisible so she can get close to the giant robot.

After she gets close enough, she starts to feel like she knows this Robot from Somewhere, until it comes to her mind. She remembers a book she found in her lair that talks about the Planet called Cybertron. There was a robot that was the "Medic" of the Robots called Autobots. She saw that his name is Ratchet.

So she decides to play a little act. She decides to put herself visible and go on the ground next to him and closes her eyes to pretend she doesn't see him, but play a little act with him.

Ratchet feels like someone is watching him, or rather next to him. As he Looks down to the ground, he sees Clara laying down, but sees that her eyes are closed, so he quickly tries to leave, until she says something

Clara: "Don't pretend I didn't see you already AutoBot"

He stops walking and turns around to face the girl he saw.

Ratchet: "great,just great, this is exactly what I need. Another human seeing me. I just wanted you to have a peaceful time Star gazing, not having a human girl see me"

Clara: "Well looks like your gonna have to deal with it, but anyways, I'm Clara, what's your name"

Ratchet: "Ratchet"

Clara: "Well Ratchet, let me guess, your from Cybertron are you"

Ratchet: "How did you know that"

Clara: "One of my books talks about Cybertron and the Cybertronians who lived there, including yourself"

Ratchet: "Well that is interesting"

Clara: "Yea it is"

Clara decided to get up and levitate off the ground to go face to face with Ratchet

Ratchet: "You....You have Magic"

Clara: "Yea I do and I think it's amazing"

Ratchet: "Well...Clara, now that you know what I look like, I would have to take you back to the AutoBot base, because with you seeing me and now going to see the other AutoBots, your life would be at a great risk"

Clara: "Oh,Oh, that is crazy, but If I can, I could help you and your fellow AutoBots Againts the Decepticons"

Ratchet: "You...Would, be willing to help us"

Clara: "Yes I would love too. I want to put my powers to good use"

Ratchet: "Well, we don't have time to lose"

Ratchet goes into he vehicle mode.

Clara: "Woah, your Vehicle mode is an Ambulance"

Ratchet: "Yes,it seems by your reaction, you like it"

Clara: "Like it, I don't like it, I love it. it's amazing"

Ratchet: "Well climb on in and we can start heading towards the base"

Clara: "Ok then, let's go"

(Next one shot would be where Clara meets Bumblebee)

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