Meeting Him (Smokescreen x Female OC)

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Third POV

Clara is a girl who loves to practice witch craft. She has her own witch lair in her house that she uses to create potions or practice her magic. She also has the ability to transform into a giant Robot, which she is happy about. Recently, she found a book in her lair that talks about the Planet called Cybertron. It even talked about the war that has happened there.

Soon she decided to leave the lair and go to to her room to get dress into her Workout clothes because she sometimes goes out for a run, or workout in her gym area of her house. Her house is a 2 story building and she has a little area for a gym.

This time, she decides to go out for a run to get a really good sweat in so she can be ready relax later and not have to worry about working out in the evening. She wants to enjoy her evening instead of having to do something.

Clara's POV

As I was running down the streets of Jasper, I decided to take a small break and drink some water because when you go out for a run, you might wanna take a break and drink some water before you get dehydrated and that is exactly what I did.

I decided to run about another 20 minutes to reach my goal limit of my time. Sometimes I run for about an Hour, but I decided to run another 20 because I sometimes want to push myself to sweat, but I don't want to push myself to much or I might hurt myself.

As I finished my workout, I sat down on grass because I was exhausted from the Running, but I was able to get my time limit goal, which was also tiring because I was running for Pete's Sake and running brings a good sweat.

Soon I started walking home to rest and take a shower to be clean, until I started hearing blast from afar. My magic allows me to hear things from a far. I decided to check out where those huge blast were coming from, but at the same time, I used my magic to clean my body from the scent after working out to a scent after you get out of the shower. I then used my magic to put on some jeans and a Jurassic Park T-Rex shirt.

After I got to the destination the blast were coming from, I saw a Giant robot fighting.

As I was thinking of what this Robot, I realized that he is a Cybertronian from Cybertron. At the same time, I saw the emblem on his chest plate and it was the AutoBot Emblem.

The. I looked at the other Cybertronian he was fighting and he was a Decepticon because of the Other being an AutoBot, this one has to be a Decepticon.

Soon, The Decepticon saw me, picked me up, and pointed his blaster at me to kill me.

Smokescreen's POV

As I saw the Con picking up the human, I was thinking to myself why the human was even here in the first place. Maybe she heard the blaster shots, but I needed to save her or she will be killed.

Third POV

Vehicon: "Put the blaster away or I kill the human"

Clara: "Let me Go"

Smokescreen: "Ok you win, you win"

As Clara was struggling to get out of the hand of the Decepticon, she forgot about her magic and used it to get out of his grip, which then Smokescreen brought out his blaster and started shooting the Con, killing him.

Clara: "And stay dead You Fragger"

Soon, Smokescreen started walking towards Clara and got down on his knee to talk to her.

Smokescreen: "You know for a human, you were able to get out of his grip, how did you do that"

Clara: "I have magic. I used an ability that allows me to go through anything, even the hands of a Decepticon"

Smokescreen: "You were brave, what's your name"

Clara: "Clara, what's yours"

Smokescreen: "The name is Smokescreen, newest recruit to Team Prime"

Clara: "Well nice to meet you, but I feel like something else is gonna happen"

Smokescreen: "Huh, oh right, We'll since you know what I look like, you would be at a great risk, so I need to take you back to the AutoBot base to keep you safe"

Clara: "And there It is, I had a feeling that something would be brought up, but I would happy to come to your AutoBot base, I would want to meet the other AutoBots there"

Smokescreen then transforms into his Vehicle Form.

Clara: "Woah, your Vehicle mode is a Race car, that's awesome"

Smokescreen: "Thanks, go ahead and hop in"

Smokescreen opens his passenger door and Clara gets inside.

Clara: "Wow, I can't believe I'm talking with an AutoBot and getting to Ride with an AutoBot"

Smokescreen: "Wow, your excited, well hold on and buckle up"

Clara's mind: "I should probably give him a kiss on the cheek for saving me, maybe when we get to the base"


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