Joining the team (Bumblebee x Female OC)

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Clara was sleeping on the passenger seat inside of Bumblebee and she was actually peaceful while sleeping. She doesn't make any noise. Bumblebee had put down the passenger seat without waking her up so she can sleep better for a bit before getting to the base.


As Bumblebee was reaching the base, he decided to wake up Clara from her nap she took on the drive on the base

Bee: "Clara, you can start waking up now"

Clara started waking up, rubbing her eyes so her vision can be clear.

As her vision became fully clear,she looks out the window and it was still in the night. With it not being Daylight savings time, the sun goes down early and it gets night quickly.

Clara: "Hey Bee, is the base inside that giant rock combination"

Bee: "yes it is, don't worry, we have an entrance to get inside"

Clara saw the entrance to the base open and she was surprised of how it is inside.

As they were approaching the main area, Clara got out of Bumblebee's car door, while Bumblebee transformer into his Bi-pedal form, got into his knee and put his hand out for Clara to climb onto, which she does.

As Bumblebee was getting up from his knee, Clara saw 6 other Robots inside the base

Smokescreen: "Hey bee, who is this lovely lady"

Clara blushes a bit

Bumblebee: "her name is Cla"

Peter: "Clara!!"

Clara: "Peter"

Arcee: "You guys know each other"

Peter: "Clara is my childhood friend....Clara, these are the Autobots"

WheelJack: "I'm WheelJack, This here is my best Buddy Bulkhead"

Bulkhead: "Hey"

Smokescreen: "And I'm"

Clara: "Smokescreen, Peter's Boyfriend"

Smokescreen: "How did you know"

Clara: "I recognize that color scheme"

Ratchet: "Ratchet"

Arcee: "Call me Arcee"

Then A giant Robot with the color Scheme of Red and Blue came in

Optimus: "I'm Optimus Prime,Leader of the AutoBot and the last of the primes"

Then 3 other humans spoke

Jack: "Hey there,I'm Jack"

Raf: "I'm Raf"

Miko: "And I'm Miko"

Bumblebee set Clara down in the human Area

Miko: "So what do you like to do"

Clara: "I like to listen to music"

Miko: "Oooo me too......Can you sing"

Jack: "Miko,Calm down, to go all over her with Questions"

Clara: "I'm don't sing anymore"

Miko: "Why don't you try"

Raf: "Miko, cool it"

Miko: "What"

Clara looks down remembering what her parents said to her before they died. "Don't ever stop singing"

Song: Gales of Songs by Kylie Mcneil

Clara started Singing, while having her eyes closed and looking to the ceiling


La-la-la, la-la...
Gales of song, guide me through the storm

Clara opened her eyes in shock

Clara: "Did,I just sing,I can sing again"

Clara then looked down to where everyone is, but they didn't hear her and so she decided to make them hear her. So she closed her eyes to focus on the song


On the wings of a small, simple melody
Words take flight and soar
They carry me, a world we'll see
Looking for a farewell, I pull the threads
A life without you I cannot accept
I can't tell that lie, I can't let go

Arcee looked at the Human area and saw that Clara is singing


But now that you're gone, I have to move on
Seems like everyone just smiles staring at the sun
But what about me?
Tell me how I will know where I should go?
Oh gales, you sing and guide me!

Jack,Miko,and Raf turned to Clara's direction and saw her singing too, but then Clara started Levitating, which made the other Autobots look at her.

Clara then Opened her eyes which were now glowing, including her entire body glowing too


I walk alone, there's more to life I have to know
It's just me, lost so far away from home
Alone I shut my self in
Still the winds howl, they call and their voices lead me
Gales of song, guide me through the storm
Let the melody lift me high, I'll be me

Clara's entire body stopped glowing, including her eyes.

Everyone was in shock, including Bumblebee.He was surprised but also Blushing.

Clara closed her eyes and slowly started to levitate down to the ground of the Human Area

Clara's Mind:

Gales of song, please stay by my side
Winds of love, breathe into my life

Clara was on the ground and she opened her eyes seeing everyone looking at her in shock

Miko: "Clara, that was amazing, that was beautiful"

Clara stood there before she responded softly

Clara: "thanks"

Arcee: "Jack, your mom just voice-mailed me saying I gotta get you Home"

Bulkhead: "I should get you home too Miko"

Jack: "Wait,Optimus, Since there is 5 of us now, who will be Clara's Guardian"

Optimus was thinking before looking at Bumblebee

Optimus: "Bumblebee, since your already Raf's Guardian, you shall be Clara's guardian too"

Bumblebee: "ok Optimus, we'll I should get you both home now"

Bumblebee transformed into his Vehicle form and opened his door for Raf and Clara to get inside

Once they were inside, Bumblebee drove to drop off Clara first.

As Bumblebee was reaching Clara's home, he stopped infront on the house and opened Clara's side door to let her out

Clara: "Thanks Bumblebee"

Clara kissed Bumblebee on his roof and walked to her home

Raf: "Bee, I think You found your Sparkmate"

Bee: "I think so.....Well, let's get your home Raf "

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