Joining the team (Optimus x Female OC)

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As Clara was sleeping,  Optimus decided to start waking her up as they were getting closer to the base.

Optimus: "Clara you can start waking up now, we're nearly reaching the base"

Clara hears his voice and starts waking up, still night time, but she starts rubbing her eyes to fully open them.

Soon Clara's vision becomes clear, but she sees mostly dirt and a huge rock Pilar ahead of Optimus.

Clara: "Um Optimus, is the base is that giant rock combination ahead of us"

Optimus: "Yes, we have an entrance that allows us to get in"

As soon Optimus gets closer, an entrance gate opens up and he enters inside.

Clara sees the main room that has Computer Monitors and soon she sees 6 other Robots.

After Optimus stops, he transforms back into his form when they both met, got into his knee, put on his hand for Clara to climb on and got back up.

Optimus: "Everyone, I would like you to meet Clara. Clara, these are my fellow Autobots"

Clara: "Hi there"

Bulkhead: "Hey Clara, I'm bulkhead and this is my Buddy WheelJack"

WheelJack: "Hey little one"

Smokescreen: "I'm Smokescreen, nice to meet you"

Arcee: "Call Me Arcee"

Bumblebee: "I'm Bumblebee, I'm the scout of the team"

Clara: "Nice to meet you Bumblebee"

The team stares at her surprised

Bumblebee: "you understand me"

Clara: "Yeah, I guess, I Don't know how"

WheelJack: "Oh this is our Medic Ratchet"

Ratchet turns, looks at Clara and turns away

Clara: "Grumpy Much"

Optimus: "Clara, these are our human friends"

Jack: "Hey I'm Jack,Arcee is My guardian"

Raf: "I'm Raf, And You met Bumblebee My guardian"

Miko: "I'm Miko, Bulkhead is My guardian"

Peter: "What's all the Commotion......Oh Clara Hey"

Clara: "Hey Peter, how are you"

Peter: "Good"

Clara: "How are doing with your powers"

Peter: "Getting better now thanks to the training lesson you give me"

Smokescreen: "You guys know each"

Clara: "Yeah, he has powers to, but he has trouble controlling them, so I helped him and give him lessons, we are actually best friends ever since Our first Training lesson Together"

Peter: "Yeah, she is amazing.....Oh Clara, I might have found a lover for me"

Clara: "Really Who"

Peter Levitates and transforms into his Cybertronian form to stand next to Smokescreen.

Clara: "Wait, so this whole time, you have been dating Smokescreen"

Peter: "yep"

Clara: "No wonder why he looked familiar, he the car that came to pick you up when you told me your going out on a date"

Smokescreen: "Yeah that is me"

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