"Father…" Michael called Ethan "Father" once more, this time unbearably gentle. He really loves me! He’s leaving me all that is good in him! I need to treat him better! I should never be rude to him again!

But Ethan’s words came up abruptly.

"I wished to leave everything, my company, my contacts and influence to my children. Everything, for there is all that will remain of me and my blood. My heir, whom I would gladly pave a way for but....." Ethan paused, and that was when his voice turned frosty and frigid.

"Alas, I got informed that the son that I thought came from my blood wasn't even my biological son at all. What a pity, it's really a pity. All these years I have been used and being cheated."

Mark’s face twisted with horror as he stands up.

"What do you mean by that?! Ethan, Michael grew up on your care! He is your son and you are his father! Are you refuting his existence?! What are you talking about?!" Mark loudly demanded .

Sharp words escaped in Mark's mouth, but deep inside, he began to fear that Ethan had discovered something.

As if the sky was crashing down on him, Michael sprang to his feet with indignation just like his daddy.

"What’s the meaning of that, Father?! You have no child?! Then what am I to you?!"

In contrast to the flustered and agitated father and son, Ethan looked relatively calm and collected.

"Just take a look at those files in front of you and you will find out."

Mark hardly moved an inch. He held Ethan from the other end of the table with an incredulous stare, gasping with disbelief at how distant and strange he had become.

Does he not love me?! If he does, then why does he dispute whose son Michael really is?! He is the son that came out from his womb and for twenty years he had been calling him ‘Father’, so what if they don’t share the same blood?! Just because Michael’s not of his blood, then he is not accepting him as his son?! Why is he being so petty and spiteful now?! Is being blood related really that matters and important now?!

Michael reached for the documents and flipped it open. On the first page, staring back up at him was a paternity test report.

He has no blood relationship with Ethan at all, but was, in fact, the biological son of Andrew Ford.

Michael could not believe his eyes. I’m not Ethan’s son?! That’s impossible!

Ethan stood up. He looked at the dumbfounded Michael and said: "I initially thought of giving everything to you as my only son. I’ve even drawn up the papers to transfer the shares to you already on my will. Every piece is in place for me to give all my belongings to you so that you can use it to further expand the Cruz company but, alas, you are not really my son." Then he added: "Did you not ask me before if I remember whose father I am? I’m answering you now: I was the father of my unborn child with my wife Yuki. Oh, before I forget it seems you don’t even know whose son you are. I pray that you reunite with your real father soon and spend your time getting to know each other more."

With that last final word, Ethan walked out the door.

He looked at his watch. Hmm… It’s time. My wife was already waiting for me to eat next door. That was the end of it. He no longer needed to bother himself with any more of these scum people, his role ended here. He just needs to wait for those people to ruin each other but if they do something to his family then he would surely make them more miserable.

The door of the VIP room barely closed behind when he heard Michael’s shaking voice demanding an answers.

"Tell me this isn’t true, Daddy! How the fuck did Andrew become my real father?!"

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