chapter 63

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Ryhs accidentally knew that he was not a real son of Ethan and Mark from the mouth of the greedy relatives of Cruz family. From that time on, Ryhs was full of worries.

As the Cruz company grew bigger and bigger, his life is also getting better and better. After living a luxurious life, he wants to keep it all forever.

Cruz omega son and omega/beta daughters will be married sooner or later, but if it is their son-in-law or daughter-in-law, then he can stay in the Cruz family forever and everything in the Cruz family will belong to him.

Although he is there adopted child, Mark and Ethan always treated him as their own son but he knows he will be thrown sooner or later as a pawn for business.

So he made a plan by deliberately seducing Michael. He and Michael grew up together and their relationship was also very good. He was very clear about Michael's preferences about spouse so he easily seduced him.

After the previous incident between the two of them broke out, Ethan flew into a rage and wanted them to immediately broke up. Ryhs originally thought that his plan would fail, but unexpectedly, Mark and Ethan divorced. Michael finally took over the position of president of the Cruz company.

He is very happy, even if Ethan loves him very much as his son, but asking for something from someone else's hands is completely different from what he owns, so when Mark divorced Ethan, he was also supportive about it. After Ethan left, he deliberately did not contact him anymore.

Ethan has already separated from Cruz family. Ethan is just a useless person now so he doesn't need to contact him anymore.

After Michael became the president of the Cruz company, he always supported Michael while asking for support to enter the Entertainment industry as an actor.

He wanted to enter the entertainment industry with the help of Cruz company, he could easily become famous.

At that time, he asked Ethan for it but he resolutely disagreed. Ethan just asked him to continue his studies  instead of entering the  entertainment industry who was full of dirty waters.

Although he obediently agreed but behind Ethan's back he felt resentment towards him.

It was his dream to be a famous actor, be idolized by a lot of people and Ethan had the ability to help him, but why did he refuse to his request!?

Now Ethan is gone, and the Cruz company is controlled by his lover Michael.

After knowing that he wants to enter the entertainment industry, Michael immediately gives him two hundred million pesos as an investment for a  movie that will be filmed and it was also held by a famous director who has won many awards in the entertainment industry.

If it were not for the two hundred million pesos, it would be impossible for Rysh to get the role of the second male lead.

But he is unwilling to play as a second male lead, what he wants is the main character of that movie so that he will be popular as soon as possible.

If not for the agents that was given to him by Michael convincing him that by participating in this role it would give him an award, he would never agree to play it.

Although it is only the second male lead, the role of Rysh is a key figure, if he was good in acting, it can definitely attract a lot of fans.

However, Ryhs grew up spoiled and wanted to act on a whim. In addition, he felt that Michael was an investor in this movie, and the entire crew should be respectful towards him.

All the other actors who participated in this movie are suffering and Ryhs a newcomer, when the director pointed his wrong, he acted like he was wronged. He also acts arrogantly to everyone because of his background.

The filming started for five months. Because of Rysh, the progress was much slower than expected and the completion time is coming.

If the progress is delayed, the director was afraid that it will not be able to keep up by the schedule of their other actors who participated in this movie. If it was not still done, those actors will surely leave and terminate their contract.

Where can the two hundred million that Michael give to fill in their losses?

The director immediately contacted Michael and said that he would either let Rysh get out of his crew if he did not concentrate acting.

The director's tone is very bad, and his attitude is also very tough. He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years and has a lot of connections. Although the Cruz family is the behemoth in the business industry, he is not afraid because he got a backer in the government now.

Michael was furious, he severely scolded the director and then said that he will add another one hundred  million, for Rysh to stay in their crew.

However, before he finished speaking, the director immediately hung up the call, and the next day Rysh cryingly came to Michael's office.

"Michael you must help me~ that bald old man Anthony is bullying me~ woo,wooooo" Rysh cryingly said in his coquettish tone.

Anthony was the director of that movie. He relentlessly drove Rysh out of the crew, and bluntly said that Rysh had no talent in acting at all and the entertainment industry simply doesn't need him.

In fact Anthony is not that old and was not bald at all, he is the same age as Ethan, he also has good looks and is already married.

Where did Ryhs suffer such a grievance? After meeting Michael, he immediately poured out all his grievances.

In order to make Michael vent his anger, he said that he was being bullied and said that Anthony wanted unspoken rules towards him. He did not agree so he drove him out of the crew.

When Rysh said this, Michael became furious and contacted Anthony and said that he was going to immediately pull out his investment from there crew.

Without his two hundred million, he does not believe that this movie can be made. For these Anthony will definitely come to admit his mistake and beg him.

However, Michael's delusions didn't come true. Anthony directly returned Michael's investment and he told him that he can do whatever he wants with his money, Rysh, a omega who has no acting skills and a professionalism, even if he takes all his money to find someone to let him act in the future, there will be no one to accept him.

"He wants to be in the entertainment industry!? Rysh should stop being delusional. The entertainment industry will never be open to him again!"

After dropping this sentence, Anthony directly hung up the phone call. When Michael calls again, the other party can't be reached at all.

Michael was so angry that he threw his phone.

Rysh also heard the conversation between Michael and director Anthony. He covered his face and burst into tears, looking very pitiful.

Michael was so distressed that he hurriedly comforted Rysh in a panic, and repeatedly said that he would definitely let those people pay.

Michael doesn't believe that he can't put Rysh to act again with his money. Who in the entertainment industry doesn't know how dirty it is? As long as you have money, it is only a matter of minutes to win an award.

However, no matter how much Michael put out to invest, none of the crew was willing to accept Ryhs.

Rysh's dream as an actor is broken, he could never become an actor again, no matter what.

Author: (Hello everyone! This lazy author of yours is back again!。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)

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